Hi, quick question. In my trunk I have two twelves sitting in a box that has two enclosed chambers that are the right size, airspace-wise, for the speakers. I just turned them around so that they are facing into the passenger area. They are bridged in series through my amp. I want to separate the channels so that the right sub is on the right channel, and the left sub is on the left channel. I don't want to experiment because I don't want to pull everything back out and rewire it, I want to get it in there and be done with it. Has anybody done this, and what do you think of the results?
Ya, I would think you would notice a little difference, at least I can! I'm no amp expert by anymeans... but when a amp is bridged, isn't both chanils wired togeather to the sub's ? So wouldn't you lose the separation? I think what he is talking about is in songs, bass doesn't play out of just a spacific chanil.
if the subs don't have a seperator int he box and they each had their own channel like you say, wouldn't they kinda cancel eachother out or something??
If they are both in the same box, I would think they would cancel each other out no matter how they are wired... a sub needs it's own chamber to work properly.