i have infinity kapp 4x6 and 6x9 2-way speakers hooked up to my pioneer p6300 hu and it seems as though i have ruined my 6x9's because now they distort almost to the point where i just turn it off and ride in silence....boo
i've been trying to play them at low levels and often to try and see if that would help but do i really just need to hook up my amp to it?
will my amp(100w rms per channel) make the difference in how loud they get and ESPECIALLY how clean they sound? or am i just an idiot and turned it up to early. thanks in advance for your help. -brian
yea i'm sure i've hooked them up right, and i make it sound worse than it acutally is, i just hate hearing little stuff like tiny pops or crackles, i'm turning into a sq fanatic. by the way if i put the crossover at 90 hz for the 4x6's then they will be fine, at least thats what infinity tech told me. i've had the 4x6's in for month now, and the 6x9's are a few days old.