i have a kicker 12" L7 sub running 500 watts RMS to it with a crossfire amp. and i have my sub in a 1.5 cu ft. box ported. now i was just wondering if it would make a big difference or not if i put it in a box about 3 times as big?
thanks, does anybody have a personal experience with this that could tell me what would putting my solobaric L7 in a bigger ported box. theres this one box builder that i know and he's willing to make me a custom 3.25 cu ft. ported box for $60 bucks. now i am not quite the sound system buff so i dont know how much boxes normally run for but is that $60 worth it?
derek i just ran your solobaric 12 in win isd and it will be well worth it to go with the 3.2 cubic feet box its should be louder and sound cleaner and drop lower 60 bucks isnt bad for a box build either let me know your results...it should be substantial
if it was me with what i read and was told for a nice boost at your bass boost and good for music id do 35 hz but you could go 33hz and it would still be decent...fs on that speaker is 31.7 hz.
if you can put an inch of insulation in the box along the walls all except the top board...it will accound for the space the speaker takes up and help with the sound quality a little as well....you can buy it at radio shack i think