I was throwing away the trash and when I lifted up the lid to fling in the bag I noticed a nice sized tube. I quickly realized it was a sub box. I took it out and was a kenwood 150 watt amp and sub combo not a big deal but I figured I could try it out and if it was working I could just hook it up behind the drivers seat for an extra little bass. I look at the speaker through the grille and it seemed fine. I hooked it to my exsisting power and signal wires. Played it for like 2 mins and it worked ok. I went back and noticed that the speaker surround was cracked in 2 places after I played it. I took it apart and touched the surround and it literally crumbled when I pinched it. But the amp and the box are in very good condition I just need to get a replacement sub.
I measured it and it came out 8 and a half inches from mounting if you include the basket and 7 and a half from surround to surround. what do i need to get? I seach for 8 1/2 subs and could not find any what do I buy?
also the speaker has 2 imput terminals so is it DVC? or what? On the built in amp it says imput sensitivity, Is that just a GAIN?
with a box the size it sounds to be id put a jl 8 in it or an image dynamics 8 both will have the proper air space and decent sound quality ...you could also try the resonant engeneering but i dont have any experience with them...alot of people on here seem to like that brand as well
Posted on
Thanks sean but can anybody tell me what kind of sub I need? it has two imput terminals goin from the amp to the speaker. Is that DVC? or I forgot what the other was called.
sounds like it could be either an 8 or 10 or a weird size just made by kenwood for that box. i'd look at kenwood stuff, try and find what you got and find some specs on it. 2 terminals meaning 1 + and - or 2 + and -?? input sensitivity is gain
Posted on
There are 2 sets of + and -, one on one side and another directly across from it.