Please help, I had an Audio Control noise generating EQL that is no longer part of my system so now I want to install an in dash eq. I am looking at the Eclipse 21010 but I notice the x-over's are not defeatable. I like the x-overs in my JL Audio 300/2 for the mids and the plug in crossover on my Kicker X-100, but I am under the inpression that 2 x-overs for each amp is a no-no. Am I right or should I try to find an indash eq with no x-over? Any help would be appreciated, Tom
Everything I have read has said that crossing over a signal twice is a no-no. Also, crossing over speakers at different db ratings can lead to phase problems. I am trying to find my acoustic reference for that. If I find it, I will post again. All in all, if you want to keep the system crossed over the way it is now, then add an eq. I would look at the db rating of built-in crossovers on your amps anyway to make sure they are the same. If not, I would go with an eq/crossover and defeat the crossovers on the amps, making the signal crossed over at the same db to ensure there aren't any phase problems. Hope this helps.