New member Username: BeechairplanesPost Number: 3 Registered: Mar-05 | i just had an amp put in my truck and when the truck is running, i can hear the engine whine and fluctuate with my rpm. any answers to my delema. it was installed professionaly but they were closed by the time i realized that i had the problem. |
Silver Member Username: Rob_brownPost Number: 196 Registered: Jul-04 | that's usually a bad ground. try to move it and make sure you get it fixed and it should stop, it's happened to a few friends. |
New member Username: BeechairplanesPost Number: 4 Registered: Mar-05 | thanks for your reply. sounds easy enough. ill let you know if it works. |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 735 Registered: Sep-04 | You can mess round with it if you want, but if it was installed "professionally" then I'd just take your car back tomorrow and tell them to fix it. It should be their problem not yours. -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: JoebruceKY U.S.A. Post Number: 190 Registered: May-04 | Get a new,bigger alt. That should do it. Can be kinda expensive tho. Honostly i dont think its the gound or anything hooked up wrong. |
Anonymous | definitely a bad gotta get a wire brush or something and scrub all debris/paint from the spot on the car that you are connecting your ground to..... |
Anonymous | definitely a bad gotta get a wire brush or something and scrub all debris/paint from the spot on the car that you are connecting your ground to..... |
New member Username: BeechairplanesPost Number: 5 Registered: Mar-05 | im taking it in today to let them deal with it. im shocked that they knew about it and let it out the door anyway. i hope i get better results this time around. i did talk to them about the ground and they said that couldnt be the problem. i dont care really, as long as they fix the issue. thank for the replies to the thread. i'll let you know what the issue was when they fix it so others may be able to learn from it. |
New member Username: BeechairplanesPost Number: 7 Registered: Mar-05 | turns out i had to fix it myself. i took it in and they put a noise filter in and then turned all my gains down so it was like having no amp at all. I get it home and find out that this was one of the worst pro installs Iv'e ever seen. i think they brought in a ten year old to do the work. I did find that the ground was one screw securing it to the shinny painted surface and half foam insulation on the inside of my truck. NOT HAPPY... I fixed the ground and turned up my gains and so far it seems to be fixed. guess sometime you gotta get in there and do it yourself. thank for the heads up guys. |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 752 Registered: Sep-04 | I'f be writing them a nice letter describing what chances they have of seeing you or any of your friends walk through their doors again. No self-respective installer would add a noise filter to his own work. -Fishy |
Silver Member Username: JoebruceKY U.S.A. Post Number: 195 Registered: May-04 | Let me guess you got it done at best buy or circuit city? If you did they have no idea at all wut they are doing,your problly right they had a 10 year old in there doin it. I went to circuit city a while ago to ask them if they could flush mount my tweeters on my components and the guy just looked at me with a really really confused look on his face and said "yea we charge $40 for speakers".I could tell he had no idea wut i was talking about so i just left. |
New member Username: BeechairplanesPost Number: 9 Registered: Mar-05 | im going back to the shop today to give them the noise filter back in return for the 20 bucks i paid for it. you wanna know something funny. the man in charge is younger than i am. he's a cocky little sh!t. needless to say, they wont be doing any more work for me in the future. thanks for the heads up. hey fishy, hows the weather down there in FLL around may? |
New member Username: BeechairplanesPost Number: 10 Registered: Mar-05 | getting it done a best buy or circuit city might have been a blessing compared to the treatment and job i got at this shop. at least customer service would have been evident. when i told the shop about the install and how crappy it was he wanted to know why i was messin around with the amp after it left thier shop. its my amp and its in my truck and this guy doesn't want me to touch it. pretty shaddy if you ask me. the only reason i had it done in the first place was for the warranty on the amp. bottom line, i tuned the amp to my listening pleasure(loud), mounted it properly, fixed the ground, cleaned up the rats nest of wiring under the seat, and it sound real goood. beechairplanes |
Silver Member Username: FishyTamarac Ft.Laud, FL USA Post Number: 753 Registered: Sep-04 | sa=Weather36HourBoatAndBeachCommand ![]() -Fishy |