99 Acura CL


New member
Username: Zapcod

Post Number: 6
Registered: Mar-05
Hi, I will be installing Image Dynamics HLCDs with a 6.5 inch in the door and a 5.25 in a glassed kick. Does anyone know where I can get info on air volume for the 5.25? Like when you are building a sub box air volume is a major factor, so I would think it would still be a major factor on smaller speakers too. Also where can I get some tips on fiberglasing. This will be my first fiberglass project and the more info I have the fewer times I will mess it up :-)) . Thanks for your help.

Silver Member
Username: Jeremyc

Kunsan AfbSouth Korea

Post Number: 550
Registered: Jun-04

look at the FAQ section, its the third one down. It has tons of info on stereos and installs.


Here is two more pages with links, and info.
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