I have 2 12" 500 watt rms 800 watt audiobahn subs with a 2 channel 1600 watt max 1000 rms amp. I was running these bad boys and there where pounding so hard that my review mirror was usless jus falling straight down. My license plate bolts even kept popin off. Anyways i unhooked my amp to try it in a friends car, when i hooked it back up my subs wernt pounding even close to as hard, it was almost ridiculous how much less bass I was getting. I have no idea how to fix this, I had opened my box up the day before and tightened my wires to make sure there where no distortion, could this be the problem? Any help here would be greatly appriciated
Your license plate bolts were poping off. Your kidding right? Anways, you probably wired your subs back up to your amp wrong. Are you sure all the wiring is right? My guess is you were running everything at 2 ohms and now your running at 4 ohms. That would make a big difference in sound.
One of the wires going to one of the subs is backwards, in other words "out of phase". This when one sub is moving up the other is moving down, thus cancelling the bass. Simply switch the wires on one sub and your problem will be solved.
No Kidding! MY license plate bolts where popping right off it was insain. My buddy running 1 Alpine Type X 1000 watt rms sub couldnt beleive my subs where hitting harder than his. Insain
Hi thanx for all the responses. zacdavis~ I checked my subs and there both moving up at the same time it appears could your explanation still be the problem?