Well how about my Audiobahn A8000T? It's only 400RMS @ 4ohms, and 800RMS @ 2ohms. I did a little math according to CC's site. Correct me if I'm wrong. They said to push a 4000W amp it takes 286 amperes of power. Well my 800W is 1/5 of that, so my amp would require 1/5 the power correct? Approx. 57.2 Amperes. I also used a formula I found on several websites converting watts to amps. It was W/V=A. According to my formula, if I use 800W RMS and 14.4V, I get 55.55555 Amperes. If I use 800W RMS and 12V it is 66.66666 Amperes. My stock alternator is I believe 80A, if so why shouldn't I be able to use that amp? I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want someone messing with that stuff in my car. There has to be another solution.
If that amp will not be able to be run, how about the JBL GTO 601.1. It will provide my subs with almost 300W RMS each. They are 500W RMS each, I don't think that would be underpowering them too terribly would it?