Alright im getting a avalanche 15" and I am going to be running it off a kicker kx600.1 which puts out about 600 rms at 2 ohms. I was planning on building my own sealed box and making it 2.2 ft3. I was just wondering if this would work good or if I should build it a little bigger. I have a blazer so I can build something a little bigger if it will work better.
hey bass go 2.5 thats what I did and I love it. outside dimensions are 16in high by 24in wide by 16in deep and the front baffle is doubbled up. it cost about $50 in materials from home depot and took a few days just because you have to let the glue dry them the silicone dry for another 24hours but it is a really nice box.
alright thanks I hope the avalanches hit like you say they do, because I want something that you can really feel in your chest and Ive never had a one sub setup before.
in your blazer it will slam off of that kicker amp I am not joking you will do more then feel it in your chest you will feel it everywhere. My roof on my jeep fluctuates about 2in peak x-max(lol) I am not kidding it bouces quarters 2-3in off my roof. My brahma was very nice but I guess this sub doesnt require as much power so with the power I am giving it it is louder then my brahma.