Does anyone know where you can find a pieca of at least 1/2" plexiglas. I have tried lowes,home depot and virtually avery other building supply store within feasible driving range of this hick town I live in without any luck. Virtually all of the sites I pull up on any seaches seem to be either questionable or commercial/industrial distributers.I would think plaxiglas would be abundant given its popularity. I need a small piece, approximately 34"x15" for a sub box. any assistance is appreciated. also, is it possible{or a good idea} to mount a sub in a plexi baffle? thanks
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sorry for the double post. ithink my browser burped...........
check any local window mfgs. if the make custom windows they should be able to help you. also try googling it. heard there are some places online you can order it from, but can't think of any off the top of my head.