i have a 2 channel 1000 hifonics amp and it is 500w x 2 at 2ohms how would i wire 2 subs at dual 2ohm voic coils
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You cant. Dual 2 ohm subs can only be ran at 1 ohm or 4 ohm. So you gonna have to settle with wiring the voice coils in series and running each sub seperate in stereo mode. You cant bridge the amp either because you can only get yourself either 8 or 2 ohms...you want 4 ohms. Dual 2 ohm subs suck when you got a stereo amp. My suggestion is to wire each sub series (so for each sub the (+) from the amp goes to the (+) of one of the voice coils, then the (-) from that coil goes to the (+) of the other voice coil on that speaker, then the remaining (-) returns back to the negative of the amps Right or Left channel...does not really matter what channel because you are going to use them both ...1 for each sub,Repeat that same step for the other sub) COnfusing? someone here probly explain it clearer....