What would be the best subs to match a Hifonics BX1500D, it has 1500x1 @ 1 ohm, 1000x1 @ 2 ohms, and 500x1 @ 4 ohms, i would like to stay with 12's but 15's are in mind also.
I have the 2 eclipse aluminum 12's the SW7124DVC T-2's and im very dissapointed with emm i keep blowin the weak bas terds with that Hifonics BX1500d, would the titaniums match with this amp being the titaniums are dual 4 ohm, suggestions would be great i just need something that can last a while and beat hard, looks like eclipse is getting a little weaker with the alums.
I want to get dual subs, or how would one 18 work with that amp or 2 15's or 2 12's, i just dont get the whole ohm thing and amps im new to this, i think dual 2 ohm is a better match with my amp but i dunno is dual 4 ohm better, i just want my amp to be able to push 2 12's or 2 15's or even one 18. so if i were to go with RE x.xx's should i get emm dual 2 ohm or dual 4 ohm, this will answer for any dual 2 ohm or 4 ohm sub.
When i hook it up to one 15" xx.x what does the ohms have to be on that sub to get the best wattage to that sub, dual 2 ohms or dual 4 ohms, the amp is 1500x1 @ 1 ohm, 1000x1 @ 2 ohms, 500x1 @ 4 ohms
The x.x.x's don't come in dual 4 ohms. Dual 2, quad 2, or dual 1 only. I'd probably get Dual 2 btw, wire it to 1 ohm, get the most out of your amp, because I doubt it's really pushing 1500 x 1, probably a little less.
Would this be loud as hell, i know alot of people who beat single X.xx's but ive never heard it, i always have heard 2 subs, would one 15" x.xx beat really loud, I would go ported with it also. I am bass crazy and i like ALOT of SPL and SQ is good too, i just want to feel the bass and air move in my car