HO alternators


New member
Username: Rob932

Post Number: 8
Registered: Feb-05
I want to get a new ho alternator but i looked at 4alterstar.com but couldn't find one big enough to fit my car. is there any other good websites??

Bronze Member
Username: Krijgy

Smithfield, Virginia United states

Post Number: 70
Registered: Jan-05
check with aldo. go under the accessary forum and ask again. he is how i got my 200 amp alt. he is in florida, but he will ship it to you.

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 1040
Registered: Aug-04
Also try www.motorcityreman.com If you can't find the right size for your car, email them and they could make a bigger one. Their conna make a 160 amp for me.

Silver Member
Username: Solacedagony

New Jersey US

Post Number: 280
Registered: Oct-04
I sent two or three emails to 4alterstart.com and I never got a single one back. Who is this guy you talked to Krijgy?
arsonicconvergen@hotmail.com if you want to email me.

Bronze Member
Username: Krijgy

Smithfield, Virginia United states

Post Number: 74
Registered: Jan-05
i posted my issue under the accessories forum and a man named Aldo responded and he works for S.G.S. in florida. he rebuilt my alternator from a 105 amp to a 200 amp alt. it is the exact same casing and bracket form. all i had to do was to bolt it in, and run bigger wires. i can try to bring him to this post if i can.

Unregistered guest
if i am running 1200 watts in a 1991 jimmy will i need a new alterntor? If so please tell me anything else i will need to ensure that my subs dont blow, or my battery dosent die every other time i start it.

Unregistered guest
if i am running 1200 watts in a 1991 jimmy will i need a new alterntor? If so please tell me anything else i will need to ensure that my subs dont blow, or my battery dosent die every other time i start it.

Silver Member
Username: Solacedagony

New Jersey US

Post Number: 282
Registered: Oct-04
Can you give me his email or phone number or however you contacted him? And how is your alt working for you? Good?

New member
Username: Rob932

Post Number: 10
Registered: Feb-05
i just ordered a special order 200 amp alt from motorcityreman.com thanks for the help

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 1059
Registered: Aug-04
Cool, I hope it works good for ya.

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky

Post Number: 574
Registered: Dec-04
yea im getting a 150 amp alt from motorcityreman...thats the biggest they said they have for my neon...is that going to be enough??

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 1061
Registered: Aug-04
It should be ok.

Volvo 2NT
Unregistered guest
I need a new alternator for my volvo, anyone know of a company that i can get one from? My is done, it sounds like a airplane whne i drive.

Silver Member
Username: Suleman36

Post Number: 113
Registered: Feb-05
IM looking for HO alternator for my 97 camry. www.mralternator is the only place i could find one that has it for me.

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 1170
Registered: Aug-04
did you try www.4alterstart.com

Silver Member
Username: Suleman36

Post Number: 116
Registered: Feb-05
yeah and they had them for hondas but not toyotas.
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