I want judgement on this system and i love you. ahahha


Bronze Member
Username: Disturbedpriest

Post Number: 34
Registered: Jun-04
Oh hey, i have a 1984 camaro with a new d9 diamond audio 10 inch in it the same thing as a tdx, running off of a mtx 1501d amplifier at 2 ohms 1000 watts rms... it sounds great but my dynamat doesnt really help some of the hatch rattle... can i buy a 5 farad cap to stop the fukin dimming i know i know.. caps dont help they attribute to the problem.. but i was curious about the 5 farad... my head unit is a new panasonic and i am using monster wire 0 gauge, blah blah... yeah i was just wondering what you guys would think about this beating 4 12 inch audiofonic subs or could it this guy has a 1000 watt ma amp on each fukin sub.. in a 4 door ford pickup from 2005, its nice really but i hate him heh... oh well any help on getting more sound would be kick @SS

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 7458
Registered: Dec-03
you rally need to put in a larger alternator.
the cap won't do a thing for ya without that.
1000 watts of class D power is about 100A of current draw by itself.. that's not counting the demands of the car itself.

a single ten isn't going to beat four 12" subs, but you could easily fit two 12" into that car and use high excursion subs with a lot of power..
that could do it due to the natural response of the car you have.

I have a 130 or 135 amp right now. (not sure) but is this enough for 1100 rms? You said 1000 watts is like 100 amp draw. Well how much does the rest of the car use?

Gold Member
Username: James1115

Wilton, Ct

Post Number: 1313
Registered: Dec-04
well to get amps you take the # of watts and divide by 12. That 100 amps is at peak power. If you are driving at night and you have your stereo cranking and your head lights on say 40watt bulbs thats an extra 80 watts so thats about 7 amps. Ok now for your head unit thats prob 50x4 @ peak power as well so there is another 16 amps. so now you are at 123 amps wiht just your radio and your headlights do you think your 130 will cut it? I would go bigger my friend. If you have power windows and dash lights, and clock, all of your electronics will be underpowered not to mention it will try to pull from your battery until it cant handle the draw anymore and that will fail. It can cause many problems to your whole system if you underpower your electrical system. take the $200 that it is and switch out the Alt its gonna be the best move you ever made.

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky

Post Number: 494
Registered: Dec-04
YAY GLASS IS BACK!!!....but guys i was wondering if the setup im getting will be able to beat 4 12 inch sony explodes with a a single 1000/1 powering all 4 subs...so i mean 4 subs=1 amp...and you should know my system by now lol

Bronze Member
Username: Disturbedpriest

Post Number: 42
Registered: Jun-04
alright i will get the alternator i found a 150 off of ebay for around 170 dollars with shipping or something close to that. thanks for the info. oh and have you ever heard of audiofonic's that is what the kid runs.
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