For any1 who like to piss poeple off


Silver Member
Username: Araknid


Post Number: 261
Registered: Nov-04
what is the minimum db required to set off an average car alarm from about 10 feet. curious because I was watching a video of a comp and when it was done the cars in the lot were all goin off and im sure they were more then 10 feet away. there
meters were reading 142 for one guy and 150 for the other but I know u can probaly get it wit less what do u think?

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 423
Registered: Dec-04
ahmmm....actually i would like to know that as well...since were "kinda" on the same upgrading my system ALOT as most people on here know..and im wondering...cani get my insurance company to cover it if i get my system stolen

Silver Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 974
Registered: Aug-04
Yes, I believe you can.

Bronze Member
Username: Aaaavv

Post Number: 45
Registered: Jan-05
yes , most insurance companies will insure a system. if you show them that you have an alarm that often lowers your insurance also

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 428
Registered: Dec-04
if i dont have an much will it usually cost a month...also..if i got an alarm how much will it go down...and how much is an alarm

Silver Member
Username: Araknid


Post Number: 262
Registered: Nov-04
OK BACK TO THE SUBJECT!!!!!! ANY1 have a car that hits loud and youve sounded off alarms and you know how hard u were hitting?

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky

Post Number: 435
Registered: Dec-04
yes i would like to know as well...

subfanatic s t f u and dont answer unless u have an answer to the mans question. and if u wanted to know some retarded sh it like that y dont u just call the fukin insurance ageny u dik wod.

Silver Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 979
Registered: Aug-04
I really don't know how many db's you'd need to hit, but I know it wouldn't really take that much. If your only 10 feet away, a decent system should be able to make it go off. I have personally seen a car alarm go off from the car parked next to it having it's system running.

Silver Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 980
Registered: Aug-04
Anon get a life. He had an innocent question and we answered it. How about trying to help people out instead of making stupid @ss posts like you just did and make yourself look retarted.

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky

Post Number: 436
Registered: Dec-04
thank you joe...sorry anon...ill try to keep it to a minumun..didnt know i was bothering anyone

Bronze Member
Username: Nnnnick_b

Post Number: 13
Registered: Jan-05
I set one off with my dads jaguars factory system. Some are very sensitive to vibration. Of course if my dads stock system doesnt do the trick my 15" tempests ussually do.

Bronze Member
Username: Aaaavv

Post Number: 46
Registered: Jan-05
it depends on the sensitivity of the alarm, some alarms will chirp if you even walk in their radius. i know my insurance company insures up to 3,500 for 15 dollars a month

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky

Post Number: 444
Registered: Dec-04
thats really good price..i wanna get that...i only need to insure about 1500 or 2000....but i wanna finish my system first..if it gets stolen...or a window broken and its taken..what usually they find the person for me...

Silver Member
Username: Rob_brown

Post Number: 146
Registered: Jul-04
I just had my sh!t installed, RE X.X.X pioneer premier headunit, and amp and sh!t, and it's definately worth it to get an alarm. It will help a lot, and if you put the stickers on the door that helps too.. another thing, if at all possible if you have a SUV or anything, try to mount the amp to the back of the seat because it makes it harder for people who try to steal your sh!t to get it out. They have to unscrew it and sh!t. just a thought. PS. That's a lot of sh!t's

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky

Post Number: 477
Registered: Dec-04
what do you mean by stickers...are you really happy with your x.xx they are soo amazing... and im going to hide my amp in my spare tire hider place and then bolt the sub box in
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