All electicity shuts off......


i just got my subs hooked up and they worked great the first few times i used them....then today i was driving and the radio and lights went out, it was at the same time and they both went completely out, including all the lights in teh car and on the this battery or alternator or waht?

Silver Member
Username: Ffxdevilarms

Post Number: 262
Registered: Jul-04
i might be a fuse or something, but i dont know very much about cars.

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 415
Registered: Dec-04
i had that happen was so crazy...what happened was i fed up my timing belt and i couldnt do it on my own so i put it in the shop and when they were putting everything back together they forgot to put a single screw back in the alt or somen like that night when it was late.. i was driving home and by time i got home my lights were out..every minute on the way home theyt got dimmer and was so nuts

its not like that, the lights will be on then a couple times a minute all the power in the car will shut will keep running but the power on the radio goes off lights go off and everything on the dash goes off.....i have an older car with and older battery, is this a batter problem or alternator or what

Bronze Member
Username: Colinjay18

Houston, Tx Usa

Post Number: 24
Registered: Jan-05
there is probably a wire touching or grounding. this has happened to me also. the wire in my wiring harness that would dim the radio when i turned the lights on was touching a metal support behind the radio. i would turn the lights on and everything went off. check your wires, use butt conectors or tape.

the wiring on my stereo is alright ihad everything working fine yesterday when hooked it up, then this afternoon it started turning off....maybe battery or alt?

Bronze Member
Username: Kojak28

Augusta, GA USA

Post Number: 20
Registered: Feb-05
Definitely inspect all wires/grounds coming off the batt/alt. I really had a weird one happen: I knew I had starter trouble, so I would just crawl up under my truck and bump the starter with a hammer. Well one night, after replacing 7 supposedly bad starters, it happened. I was driving down a bumpy a$$ dirt road and..............nothing.The frickin' thang shut off and would not come back on.No lights, NO horn, No system, No sh!t. When I made it home I looked at my battery cables-The ground was actually nearly completely chewed in 2 by the alt. It was one of those old types that had a metal fan(thus it chewed the piss out of a 1/0ga wire). You might try load testing the battery, then you can take your car to Advance or Autozone and they will test your alt usually for nothing. Check all the fuses, though.

i went to autozone and they tested the battery and said it was good....i havent had the alt checkd but i prob should have had it checked i didnt no u could do that....the guy at the place said check the fuses but didnt no much about what he was talkin about so he said to go electronic express(local car audio and such) and have them chck it out bc theyll no what theyre talkin im goin there tom to see what they say, im positive all my wires are in right it works fine when im in idle, but the lights in the car will dim when the subs hit

Silver Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 996
Registered: Aug-04
That's an alternator problem my friend. Your alt. probably isn't bad, it's just too small for the amount of amps your pulling with your system.

what do i do about that??

Gold Member
Username: Invain

Michigan United States

Post Number: 1007
Registered: Aug-04
If the alternator is the problem then you'll need to get a High Output Alternator.
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