Do those matrix things, really work?


Bronze Member
Username: Alexochoa

Tucson, Arizona USA

Post Number: 17
Registered: Jan-05

Theres a matrix website. Do these work?

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 355
Registered: Dec-04
no its a total rip off site...dont do it...hes just going to take your money...bast*rd

Silver Member
Username: Xxkmfdmxx

St. Petersburg, FL USA

Post Number: 382
Registered: Oct-04
Some of them work, Some dont. I tried one where you pay $5.00 and they give you $15 back eventually. Took 2 months but I got my $

Unregistered guest
This sites is not a rip off, and were not just trying to take your money. And as to how long it will take, this is a new site so you'll be at the top of the list if you buy now.

Silver Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky

Post Number: 430
Registered: Dec-04
well...if this actually does it work

Silver Member
Username: Addicted2bass


Post Number: 228
Registered: Nov-04
i tihnk i finally understand how these things work. Correct me if im wrong but, you purchase an "ebook" for $40. And with $40 you can enter the list for an RE triple X. And since they have to pay $400 for the woofer they have to raise $400 to get it, but they'll charge a little more to earn a profit. An example is below

This is a list of people who gave $40 dollars
#1- James
#2- Bob
#3- Sally
#4- Sue
#5- Dylan
#6- Jon
#7- CHris
#8- Daneille
#9 -justin
#10-Natasha- as soon as natasha signs up #1 James will get the subwoofer.

Then after this after another 10 people sign up person number 2 will get their subwoofer.

You see as soon as enough people give their money to them they will have enough money to buy the subwoofer and give it to the first person on the list. And every ten people who sign up the pattern will continue

Unregistered guest
Has anyone gotten anything from the matts electronics site? Cuz i'm really interested in trying to get a w7 if i can but i don't want to blow $70 if it doesn't work.

Unregistered guest
Wtf i think all that stuff is a rip off.!!!!!!!!!!

Unregistered guest
yes "basslova" that is how our site works and because we make enough money all products are brand new and come with tha manufatures warrenty. There are other websites out there like ours but since our site is new you will be near the top of the list if you buy now. This site is not a rip (thanx for your opinion though A.C.) yes we make money off of the site but you the buyer are still getting brand new items for a fraction of the cost that they would usually be.

Bronze Member
Username: Disturbedpriest

Post Number: 36
Registered: Jun-04
Sounds like one of those fuked up pyramid scams... i wouldnt do it honestly.. i would just save up some money and buy one, and leave the shady websites be... :-)

Bronze Member
Username: Alexochoa

Tucson, Arizona USA

Post Number: 37
Registered: Jan-05
well to late for me... I already payed my 70 for the W7...we will see what happenes. I heard they do the "buy an ebook" to keep it legal.

Travis y do u keep on saying "our site" do u have an e-mail to keep in touch also?

Silver Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 955
Registered: Jul-04
its a pyramid scam, highly illegal, waste of your time and money, might as well have burned that 70 bucks...

Unregistered guest
First of all it is not a pyramid it is a matrix, there is a difference. The reason i keep saying "our site" is because i know the guy who started it and his email address is which is also posted on the website.

Silver Member
Username: Rob_brown

Post Number: 148
Registered: Jul-04
fvck it, 70 bucks for a w7. even if it doesn't come you're only out 70 bucks. learn your lesson and don't do it again, but if you do get it, you get a hell of a deal. 70 bucks for a w7 and 100 for a 1000/1 is crazy cheap.

Unregistered guest
When i first saw a site like this i was amazed at how cheap it was. 70 for a brand new w7. Even if it takes a month your still saving five or six hundred dollars, and same with the amps. JL 1000/1 amps can be anywhere from 600 to 900 dollars, they are 100 at

Unregistered guest
fu*k that matrix shi*
its not worth the time/money
if u want cheap electronics, email me.
i may not hav access to every type of car audio manufacturer, but the ones i do have access to i can help people with.
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