I'm having trouble getting my amp's power cable through the firewall of my 1984 4runner. There is a hole where in the inner firewall where most of the existing wiring runs through, but when i ran it through there, I couldnt find where it came out! It seems like there is another wall to go through or something. I guess I'll have to drill a hole, but i'm not sure where to do so, especially if the firewall is two walls thick. Anyone have any experiences with the old Toyota trucks? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Oh yeah, also having a tough time getting wiring into the doors b/c it wasnt made with speakers in the door, so no wiring. Guess I'll drill some holes. Any thoughts on that appreciated too.
Use a wire coat hangers. They are a great tool for it. Duct tape the 4 gauge wire to the end of the coat hanger wire and feed it through the hole. You should be able to fish it out inside of the car. Always try other methods before drilling. Once you drill, you will increase the chance of rusting.
Put a flashlight on either side of the firewall and turn the lights out. If you've got it half way through, some of the light may shine through giving you an idea of where you are. Failing that, just pull the rubber gromet out and use the light. It's likely just up behind something in the dash and you can't see it. A light will make it alot easier.
Don't drill a hole, there are plenty to work with. I felt the same way with my '04 RAV4, but then once I got through I realized it was because I was expecting it to be harder than it was.