Hi, I recently completed my system... got new speakers, amps, subs, everything. It all sounded good until I started to put thing s back together and such like putting back the head unit and putting the dash back on. Now when I turn on the car, I hear a certain whine and when i rev the when the whine rises and falls in tones with the revs. I can also hear when the head unit starts a cd or somethin through the speakers... this is all frustrating the heck outta me... what do i do!?!?
yeah like matt said, run your remote and rca cables down one side of your car and your power wire down the other.
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that used to happen to me too, i fixed the ground and everything and it did lessen the problem, but the way i completely got rid of it, i bought an active crossover and it cleaned up the signal coming from the rcas, now it just sound super clean