ok, i have a small problem with my speakers. ok, i have seen other posts like the question i am bout to ask, but it never happened to me so i never really read what they said, but now when i have to find one of them, i cant find them, so i'll just ask u guys, but heres the problem. ok, when i play a cd or even the radio, the speakers will go off and then there will be like a double click noise, like two clicks in a row and then nothing will happen for like a second or two, then they will work and then a little while later, sometimes really short periods of times and sometimes longer periods of time, but it will happen again. i dont know what to do. it seems like the louder my speakers are the more it happens or when the subs go to hit, they stop and do the clickin noise thing. but i dont want to turn down my speakers any cause i like it loud. if u need more info bout something i can try and answer it for ya, but i dont know what else u would need to know or if u even do need anything more to help me out. but like i said, any help would be great, aight, thankx
aight, its nothin to much, but i have four 6x9's connected directly to the cd player and then two 8 inch subs connected to a 350 watt amp, its a kenwood amp and thats it. nothin to much really, but i've never really ran into this problem before with any other system i've put in for other people. so yea, if this helps any, there ya go, but thanks for your input so far. i'll check out the amp right now, thankx again......
well what it sounds like is either your head unit internal amp is damaged and clipping at low levels which would cause it to send a clipped signal to your amp sending it into protection briefly. I would also look into a short somewhere. Shorts wont always short out but the more power that tends to go through them the more it tends to short. I really cant tell you what that is by not being there but if I had to guess at it I think it would be one of those two things.
ok, well, thankx, i'll look around at the wires and lay around with them and things like that, it doesnt really matter, i wont have this car for much longer anyways, i'll be gettin a new one within the next year, but thankx for the input, i'll see if i can find anything up with the wires, thankx...........