New member Username: Thatboye18Post Number: 3 Registered: Feb-05 | I NEED A RADAR im lookin to spend 75-130 on one. Whats out thats any good. I was lookin at the cobra 9700 on ebay for like 110 |
Silver Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 823 Registered: Dec-04 | ok when looking at a radar detector you have to think of one thing. If it saves you 2 times how much did it save you $250-$300? ok I have had mine now for about a year and 1/2 and it has saved me countless tickets so there for has more then paid for itself 50 times (seriously) get the escort passport 8500 it is like $200-$250 on ebay but sooooooooooo worth it honestly. |
Silver Member Username: InvainMichigan United States Post Number: 769 Registered: Aug-04 | What the heck are you doing to get pulled over 3 times in 2 days. |
Silver Member Username: Ps1k0Post Number: 159 Registered: Aug-04 | not paying attention to the road ahead when they drive. i speed ALL THE TIME!!! atleast 15 miles over and the last time i got pulled for speeding i was taking my wife to the hospital to have my daughter. (no ticket ![]() i've even doubled and almost tripled the speed limit. and i don't have a radar detector. just pay attention. and speed responsiably and you'll be O K |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfNorthWest, Michigan USA Post Number: 7446 Registered: Dec-03 | or slow down and stop driving like an idiot. |
Silver Member Username: InvainMichigan United States Post Number: 985 Registered: Aug-04 | Exactly. I go over the speed limit, yes, but only like 5 miles over. What's really the point in going faster. Honestly, in all reality you don't even save that much time from going 15 miles over the speed limit, unless your going far distances. And then you gotta think about gas. It's so d@mn expensive these days. |
Gold Member Username: GlasswolfNorthWest, Michigan USA Post Number: 7454 Registered: Dec-03 | hehe yeah my car's tranny tops out at 130MPH anyway where it redlines the motor. 2600RPM @ 60MPH, and I get 12MPG highway like that. Not a car for long trips. haha 3.55:1 rear end is pretty good at stop lights though. |
Gold Member Username: InvainMichigan United States Post Number: 1014 Registered: Aug-04 | Yeah, you could burn a little rubber. |
Anonymous | There's a reason they call it a speed LIMIT, children. It's in place to serve a purpose. There's also a reason that they allow a judge to double and triple the fine that's applicable. Sometimes there is even a little bit tacked on just for HAVING a radar or laser detector. Just food for thought. |
angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | Yeah, it's there so our government can get MORE money from us and the police can search you and your car (visually) hoping to get lucky and bag you with someother charges to get even MORE money. don't we pay enough in taxes that we shouldn't have to deal wit this B.S.? |
angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | Yeah, it's there so our government can get MORE money from us and the police can search you and your car (visually) hoping to get lucky and bag you with someother charges to get even MORE money. don't we pay enough in taxes that we shouldn't have to deal wit this B.S.? |
Officer Friendly Unregistered guest | So if we don't do stupid sh_t like leaving our dope or booze in plain view or "dui" then those persons can get back at the "government" and not let them collect. DUHHHHHH! and furthermore we pay taxes to support this B.S. so some other braindead taxpayer that chooses to drive drunk,speed or just be stupid hopefully will be stopped before they have a chance at killing you or best friend, family member etc.etc. GET A CLUE!! |
Gold Member Username: Taylor17Kopperl, Texas Post Number: 1155 Registered: Jan-05 | Yep, so do what the officer does, and hide you're dope!:-) |
angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | Wow, Officer moron, you have to be the whitest of the white people. There are PLENTY of other charges they can hit you with besides your stereotypical racial "booze" and "dope" reason. Hell, a cop can give you a ticket for whatever he wants to, legal or not, just because he's having a bad day. I've been pulled over for speeding (doing 36 in a 35). I've been pulled over for impeeding the flow of traffic (doing 23 in a 25). I've been pulled over for driving with my windows down in the winter. I actually can go on and on about all the stupid reason i've been pulled over and given tickets, but my point is, Why can't our tax money go towards something better that sitting cops on the side of the road to "wait" for a speeder? Why can't they drive around bad areas and make their presence know? Why can't they do more to catch criminals? Why go after big criminals, when they can get some quick cash harassing innocent people about exceeding an already to slow (in my area), speed limit. No. no. Leave that drug dealer alone. Let's arrest the old man that stumbled and dropped his cigarette, for littering. Far fetched, but it's coming to that. |
tin_foil Unregistered guest | Okay people, calm down. Hurling immature insults at eachother will obviously solve your problems. Anyway, I think you both are a bit extreme. Angry_dwarf does seem to have had some bad experiences with cops. One thing's for sure-cops have no sence of humor whatsoever. I can testify to that. But as far as getting ridiculous tickets, there's something called going to a judge and getting it waved. If it's not illegal, they can't give a ticket.(no duh) A cop also cannot pull someone over for NO reason. So don't give them a reason. There's something to be said FOR cops too. They're men and women out there doing they're job. It sounds like angry_dwarf would prefer a city without cops, and I'm sure we can all imagen how well that would work. I personally am glad to have law enforcement making sure stupid drunk drivers and reckless speeders don't kill people. But we have to be willing to pay when we ourselves are irresponsable. As far as "why can't they do more to catch criminals", I'll tell you why. Okay, motorcycle cops and sheriffs CAN'T do anything but give tickets. Police officers do a little of both, and I think they do a good job. You ever notice how many cops are around late saturday nights taking care of psycho's?(don't you love my extensive terminology=]) As for "leave that drug dealer alone", it's more than easy to find random people doing drugs, but I don't think you understand just how difficult it is to make sure and track down all the connections and drug DEALERS. And that's what the FBI and SWAT are for(and CIA when dealing with drug immporting), not your average joe cop. Anyway, I'm done. Sometimes it might be a good idea to try and see things from other peoples perspectives, eh? Hope you all don't go a bite my head off now. ;) |
Silver Member Username: Bnd_rulezPhoenix, AZ USA Post Number: 195 Registered: Mar-05 | How about you just speed responsibly? I speed quite frequently, and have never been pulled over. |
angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | no, i'm not saying i want a city with no cops. i just want to know why when i drive down the main street of my city, on any given night, do i see 3, 4, sometimes 5 cop cars sitting side by side chatting, drinking coffee, laughing, smoking cigarettes, and having a good time. meanwhile, when i got about two blocks away i am sitting at a light and see two guys stumble out of a bar and get in there car to drive, where ever. shouldn't they be out patroling? doing their job, that my tax dollars are paying for? instead, they go after the easy quick money with speeders. fifty years ago, crime and felonies<sp> were significantly lower than they are now. because cops were doing their jobs. patrolling the streets (slowly on foot), but still doing it. not sitting on the side waiting for it to come to them. actually, if they'd just leave the drugs alone (drug users/dealers) it would be better off to. the price could come down, then people wouldn't have to steal and commit crimes to get it. "people that do drugs are going to do drugs." one way or another. bootleggers used to fight to sell beer in an area. now it's legal no fighting. if you do do drugs and do something as a result of your hightened state of inebreatedness, then you should get punished. but don't make stupid laws. like the mandatory seatbelt law. i just bought an 05' denali. i paid $42,975 for it. at 7% sales tax, that was $3008.25 in taxes. who is the government to tell ME i have to wear a seatbelt for safety? it should be my damned choice. instead, you have cops looking for people just to get another $30 out of them. maybe i WANT to get launched through the windshield when i slam into another car headon because i was to busy sending a text message on my sidekick. i have no problem with the FBI, CIA, or SWAT, yet. wow, this was more of a rant than i originally wanted to go on, but it needs to be said. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 2355 Registered: Nov-04 | $30? That's cheap. In Canada it's over $120 plus 20% tax! You also lose points on your license. I don't care too much about seatbelt laws. The one about wearing a helmet when riding a bike bothers me. That should be a choice. Why can't a guy just go for a little ride in the weekend without having to put on a tin can on your head? It gets very hot during summer. |
Angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | EXACTLY!!! same idea, different thing. it's your bike. shouldn't you be the one to decide if you want to wear the helmet or not? Why does the government have to stick their noses where it isin't wanted? JERKS! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Taylor17Kopperl, Texas Post Number: 1515 Registered: Jan-05 | "whitest of the white people?" what the hell is that supposed to mean! |
Angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | hmm.. 17 and dosen't have a clue. sure that shouldn't be taylor12? go back and read, then re-read, then have your mommy read what officer dope_fiend said. it's a sad truth that white people have a different set of rules than blacks, asians, and latinos. and whites.. well they believe "if you don't do bad things, then the cops won't bother you." and for his "white power" self to say what he said about "hiding your drugs and booze" is a load of bull. I do not do drugs. I do not sell drugs. I do not kill people. I do not steal. I do not "bump" my radio (play it loud) I do not consume alcoholic beverages. I do not "hangout" with a bad crowd. I do not do bad things, yet the cops look at me, and see my non-white skin driving a better car than he does, and pull me over. effectively wasting 20-40 minutes of my time. for what? jelousy? SCHLONG envy? if you truely believe that saying true. your the whitest of the white too. |
Gold Member Username: Taylor17Kopperl, Texas Post Number: 1600 Registered: Jan-05 | White power! I bet that you come off as nothing but trouble... I can tell that just from the way you talk... do nothing but talk trash! Sounds like you are the racest heer! You just judged me because I'm white... you don't know me so shut the fu*k up! |
angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | Right, and you come across as a fine upstanding citizen. Your the one getting angry and cursing. I haven't cursed once. Thanks for judging me. I didn't know that you were white till you just told me. So get your facts right. If you took offence to what i said about being "the whitest of the white", maybe it's because i'm right. As a final note, I am glad to see you have the spell check on tonight, even though two slipped by, but that's ok. Got tired of trying to guess at what you were trying to say with your horrible grammatical skills. |
Gold Member Username: Taylor17Kopperl, Texas Post Number: 1607 Registered: Jan-05 | Bla bla bla bla bla bla Don't care The fact is, if you speed, be prepared to pay the ticket... and don't cry about it like a three year old! I'm through argueing like imature kid's. |
angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | You started the arguement, now run away when you've lost. But throw cheap shots as you go. Nice. I accept the fact that if I break the law, I should be fined. I'm saying that it's a stupid law and shouldn't be there. There are more serious crimes than speeding, and why can't my tax dollars go towards taking care of them? |
Officer Friendly Unregistered guest | Unfortunatly, We need stupid laws to protect us from all the stupid people out there. If you do the math, you'll see statistically that per capita. The percentage of misdemeanor crimes vs the more "serious crimes" tried in the courts generally precipitate from the less Heinous of acts. So when a "speeder" or "red" light runner is stopped your TAX dollars are at work. "for what? jelousy? SCHLONG envy" Nope it's not jelousy, and certainly not "SCHLONG envy" unless it's you doing the Envying it's a know fact in the locker room god did create all men equal. Next time your pulled over for no reason have your newly purchased microcassette recorder on and have the officer make a clear statement as to why your being stopped get the badge # of same and Name too! Ask that he call his supervisor to the scene too! Lets get to the bottom of this and I say If your not willing to do this small bit of personal salvation that all that you've stated previously is nothing but self pity. BY THE WAY I'M THE BLACKEST OF BLACK PEOPLE FOR WHATEVER IT'S WORTH . YOU NEED TO MOVE OUT OF THE 70'S AND GET INTO THE NEW MILLINEUM AND QUIT RIDING ON THE COAT TAILS OF OUR OPPRESSED,LONG DEAD, ANCESTORS!!! |
Gold Member Username: Taylor17Kopperl, Texas Post Number: 1617 Registered: Jan-05 | I agree that there are some stupid laws out there... that's why I'm planning on going to law school to be a lawyer. I agree that the seatbelt law is stupid, it doesn't hurt anyone if I don't have my seatbelt on... but it's a law and I can't do anything about it. The speeding issue, well, some people drive like morons. I'm not saying that you do, but more often than not the people speeding are going like 90/100 miles an hour, and switching lains with out signals. They are putting everyone at risk. P.s, the people who are driving like that never get caught... they sit there and run you off the road, and you are just hoping that a cop is up the road... but nope, no cop. That is the only thing that ticks me off. |
Officer Friendly Unregistered guest | See Taylor , The Dwarf just reinforces the reason for the laws " i WANT to get launched through the windshield when i slam into another car headon because i was to busy sending a text message on my sidekick." By his OWN reasoning people have to pay higher insurance rates and higher taxes. He gets pulled over for not driving responsibly! He's observed not driving but trying to dial or text message on his phone. If I stop him he'll surely get a citation for "careless" or "negligent" driving thats reason enough to pull someone over! How about weaving you don't need to cross the center line to be pulled over. Just remember the very same taxes you pay someone else pays too. They have as much right to drive down the road and be protected from an IDIOT that chose to: "i WANT to get launched through the windshield when i slam into another car headon because i was to busy sending a text message on my sidekick." DON'T THEY ?????????????? Or am I just "Officer moron" again. Taylor the Dwarf forgot I'm "Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 - 10:25 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, Officer moron, you have to be the whitest of the white people." Lol So which is it? I must be the whitest black person, NIG_ER if it pleases him. The fact remains that laws are put in place because people like the Dwarf have no regard for the well-being of others and little if not any respect for themselves ! Drive safely and watch out for the other guy all! |
Gold Member Username: Taylor17Kopperl, Texas Post Number: 1645 Registered: Jan-05 | lol haha |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 2752 Registered: Nov-04 | What you need are cops/law enforcers that enforces and punishes criminals reguardless of their RACE/RELIGION. And no more hiding behind a lawyer and using "RACE" card to get free. I've seen some "black" guys get off free cause they hired a lawyer to use "race" card. The cop stopped the guy cause he wasn't driving "normally". His lawyer argued that he only got stopped cause colour. Well what the judge and everyone else forgot was that, the driver WAS dead DRUNK! He walked free. Then you actually have cops that hate minorities. You would think, once they put on a uniform, every personal feelings get pushed aside, but no. What we need is real justice system, where no one can hide behind any lawyers/excuses/colour (OJ/R Kelly/ and maybe MJ). Same law that also punishes bad cops equally. This way, the phrase "you do the crime, you do the time" becomes accurate. To me, if your a criminal, no matter what race, you're still an a$$ hole. |
Gold Member Username: Taylor17Kopperl, Texas Post Number: 1652 Registered: Jan-05 | Yup, I hear about that all the time on the news. A drugdealer gets beat up a little because he was resisting arrest, and trys to say it was because he was black! I guess resisting arrest, and dealing drugs had nothing to do with it?:-) I can't stand that! Not that this means anything... so don't try to quote me as a rasest for saying this but, whens the last time you saw a white person trying to say, "it was because I'm white!":-) P.s, I didn't mean that all drugdealers, or black people deal drugs, so don't try to say anything about that either. It was just an example. |
angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | I miss 1 week and wow; "He gets pulled over for not driving responsibly! He's observed not driving but trying to dial or text message on his phone" well, i don't actually DO these things, i used that as more of an example. nor do i want to be slammed through the windshield. i've seen it happen to a best friend of mine and it looks extremely painful (friend died otherwise i'd have asked if it was painful). i have too much on my hands with all the same maniacs on the road like taylor said. If i am driving like an as_s, and get pulled over, that's cool. i accept responsiablity for what i've done and the concequences for it. what i have a problem with is getting pulled over because i have my window down at night. (true story) Or am I just "Officer moron" again. well, if you insist ![]() Next time your pulled over for no reason have your newly purchased microcassette recorder on and have the officer make a clear statement as to why your being stopped get the badge # of same and Name too! Ask that he call his supervisor to the scene too! " I have filed 6 "magic" reports against several officers and a shift supervisor, for harassment. magic because when i checkup on them, they can not be found. "BY THE WAY I'M THE BLACKEST OF BLACK PEOPLE FOR WHATEVER IT'S WORTH . YOU NEED TO MOVE OUT OF THE 70'S AND GET INTO THE NEW MILLINEUM AND QUIT RIDING ON THE COAT TAILS OF OUR OPPRESSED,LONG DEAD, ANCESTORS!!! " What ancestors are you reffering to? I never said i was black, white, asian, or hispanic. for the record though, i am 1/2 black/ 1/2 white. i am probaly one of a handful of black people that dosen't believe in the whole "the man is out to get me" as far as job goes. I don't know much about black history by choice because I don't think that worrying about how some white slave owner beat my great, great, ETC grandfather such and such ammount of years ago has anything thing to do with how i turned out, nor should I get reparations<sp> for it. whens the last time you saw a white person trying to say, "it was because I'm white!":-) That would make for a very interesting court case. I would watch that episode of Law and Order. "certainly not "SCHLONG envy" " wouldn't let me say pen1s. so I went with schlong. se, I am not without a sense of humor. "it's a know fact in the locker room god did create all men equal. " !?!!!??????????????????????? In the sense that all men have one, Yes. in the sense that they all become erect due to whatever for of stimulation arouses the individual owner. Yes. That they all work. No. That they are all the same size. Not even close. "Then you actually have cops that hate minorities. You would think, once they put on a uniform, every personal feelings get pushed aside, but no. " And it is a sad thing. But too many cops (one or more is too many as far as im concerned) use their "new found" power and take it out of minorities. which isin't right. "To me, if your a criminal, no matter what race," this should come as no suprise to anyone, but part of that statement pisses me off. Because it's inaccurate. Through mental programing over many years you and countless other people have been taught that blacks, asians, and hispanics are beneath you by the use of that small word. Race. Human is their race. white, black, asian, latino, is their ethnicity. the sooner everyone realizes that the quicker we can move on toward not having racisim. I used racisim, only because enthisisim, just sounds wierd. but I guess if I want to help "change the world" I have to start with myself. i'm not trying to start a full blown war with that statement so don't anyone take it that way. My head hurts, so i'm going to stop. and no, not from going through the windshield. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 2843 Registered: Nov-04 | I thought only females got headaches! ![]() I still only see one race when it comes to criminals, ba$tards!!! |
New member Username: Yeah_toastBIG SB South Bend, IN USA Post Number: 10 Registered: May-05 | Wait im not racist i own a colored tv lmao now with that said im half mexican and irish and german and indian and the list goes on im for real now if you want to here somting funny i got pulled over for blue undercarage lights now these i guess are illigal on cars only not bikes wich is crap now when the cop went through my car, wich i dont think was legal, cause of the weed leaf emblem on my wallet he found altoids the rock kind and he thought they were crack come on now my friend also left his ciggs in my car he wrote a ticket for that and a pipe of mine for a old habit of mine (weed not crack) and i went to court and the tickets were dismissed and i was stuck with court fee of 87 bucks is that crap or what no for you guys i got one question for you. why did you have to bring race into this im mean for real its got nothing to do with this unless you live in the south were its some what of problem still kinda of a problem but doubt full |
Angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | i'll bet you also own some colored markers and have used them to get some work done. slave owner. ![]() Yeah, undercar light kits are illegal in most states (could be all by now) unless used for offroad or show use. Well, race was originally brought into this to insult taylor by showing him that his old school train of thought (which is typically taught by white people) "that if you don't do bad thing, then bad things won't happen to you" is wrong. but, through human mis-interpretation, it has been twisted into some other form of racial attacking. AND, in some case it does have something to do with it. it's called "racial profiling". for those that don't know, that's when the cops look at you and decide what type of person you are based on what a few other people, that have the same skin color as you, have done in the past. racisim (i still hate that word) is still a problem today all over the country. hope that helps |
Officer Friendly Unregistered guest | Nest time If it's really that important keep a copy ! It's "Officer Moron" that takes the report so have him sign off Maybe in fact there really is one Moron Involved in this thread and everyone reading it knows now that it's the "Angry_dwarf" as your not will to admit that the real problem is not obeying the rules ![]() " GlassWolf = or slow down and stop driving like an idiot. " Just leave off the slow down and read it as STOP DRIVING LIKE AN IDIOT as with any Perp. We never get the whole truth just the poor little ole me whiny crying always picked on I never did anything wrong wasn't me no way ,story Rub some dirt on it Dwarf grow up start acting like a responsible adult I think Taylor 17 struck a nerve when he said "I bet that you come off as nothing but trouble" I'll leave you now so you can accept your "TEABAGGING" To the rest Drive Safe Later all |
Bronze Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 19 Registered: Jun-05 | wow this discussion took one hell of a spin ! |
Angry_dwarf Unregistered guest | Yes it did JC, and i've been enjoying it the whole ride down. ![]() "fact there really is one Moron Involved in this thread and everyone reading it knows now that" Actually, it's still you, officer moron. Do you actually take the time to read the posts and filter out what you want so you can type up those rediculous messages? "as with any Perp. We never get the whole truth just the poor little ole me whiny crying always picked on I never did anything wrong wasn't me no way ,story " as i've said atleast twice before, i do accept when i get pulled over for a legitamite reason. I do not argue with him or give him a hard time. i accept my ticket and pay it. And yes, it it has always been male officers that pull me over, strangely enough. "I bet that you come off as nothing but trouble" Maybe i do. I'm glad to see that you can make these kinds of "judgements" about people. I know that you are doing your part to help bring a better name to law enforcement. can you also see through walls and hear a heartbeat a block away? "I'll leave you now so you can accept your "TEABAGGING" " Don't you first need balls before you can teabag someone? You won't get any hiding behind you badge. |
Unregistered guest Unregistered guest | My point exactly you have no balls so everyone here let you = Angry_dwarf take it on the chin as always ! ! LOL "fact there really is one Moron Involved in this thread and everyone reading it knows now that" Actually, it's still you Angry_dwarf "I'll leave you now so you can accept your "TEABAGGING" " |
bil123 Unregistered guest | Wow, you guys sure like to get into lots of arguements for no reason at all. It started out little, and now it turned into something that is rediculous. Enough said. |
Anonymous15 Unregistered guest | lol, i agree, cops are paid to pull people over via quotas ive been pulled over, i didnt complain because i broke a law, simple as that. |
fubar_rig_101 Unregistered guest | I wonder if these two (officer and dwarf) are just insulting each other or do the actually read what each other types? case in point officer asked this, "Angry_dwarf" as your not will to admit that the real problem is not obeying the rulesLAW after this was said, If i am driving like an as_s, and get pulled over, that's cool. i accept responsiablity for what i've done and the concequences for it. what i have a problem with is getting pulled over because i have my window down at night. and the pen_is this was funny as hell. " "it's a know fact in the locker room god did create all men equal. " !?!!!??????????????????????? In the sense that all men have one, Yes. in the sense that they all become erect due to whatever for of stimulation arouses the individual owner. Yes. That they all work. No. That they are all the same size. Not even close. " I am enjoying this arguement greatly though. and am looking forward to reading more. keep up the great work guys. |
Officer Friendly Unregistered guest | Well I wish I could write more but have been assigned the inevitable. I'm off to New Orleans to help out any way I can maintaining order and helping out the people that can't help themselves! Angry_dwarf I challenge you to show up and lend a hand , I'm sure that wont' happen maybe you'll see me on Tv carrying corpses or something else you cant even begin to fathom ! Be sure you turn on CNN and watch us hand out tickets to all the speeders on the handcarts or in wheelchairs !!!!! Later all! Officer Friendly |
Bronze Member Username: MtxaudiouserPost Number: 36 Registered: Aug-05 | i know someone who got 5 tickets in one day and yes he's a dumba55 |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4508 Registered: Nov-04 | All 5 in one day? I thought they gave you 2-3 hours of grace period. |
Gold Member Username: Basshead86Ocala, FL USA Post Number: 1966 Registered: Aug-05 | that's only 15 hours Isaac. they are 24 in one day. lol ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Kd7nfrMontpelier, ID United States Post Number: 965 Registered: Apr-05 | You stupid motherf*cker. Why do you need to speed? So you get there 30 seconds earlier than everyone else. Holy sh1t!!!! I have cars that will hit speeds of 160+ MPH. But do I do it? No, unless it's on a track. I usually do 55 in a 65, care to know why? Because when I was 16 years old, my parents, little sister, and grandparents were coming home from seeing Elk at a refuge. I was trying to hurry at work so I could make "family dinner" (pizza that night). I rolled up at the house, and no one was home, so I go inside. There's a message on the machine, telling me of what happened. I headed to the Hospital. There I found out that some dipsh1ts in a f*cking Eclipse was seeing how fast they could go through the canyon, and hit their van. Killed everyone but my little sister, and everyone was wearing their seatbelt. So before you speed, think. Because if that kid would have survived... we'll, we won't go there. |
Silver Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 227 Registered: Jun-05 | I'm really sorry to hear that Jake, I feel the same way my mom was almost killed by some moron speeding and not watching. He smoked her and sent her under a semi-trailer luckily she survived. So slow down ppl again sorry to hear that man |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4566 Registered: Nov-04 | That's a terrible thing Jake. It's a shame that the ba$tard$ die only once for their crimes. Here's another story not related to speed, but to drinking and driving. This 17 year old girl had a flat tire on a Saturday morning, 3am. For some weird/odd reason, she was changing the tire herself. I would've thought she would have called her parents for help or pick her up. Anyhow, some stupid 39 year old female rammed into her parked car. The teen lost her leg when the car landed on her leg. She is crippled for life cause of this stupid drunken witch. |
Silver Member Username: Camaro823British Colu... Canada Post Number: 230 Registered: Jun-05 | Issac, similar thing just happened 2 days ago. It's all over the news here a family was on the side of the road from a car problem. A drunk driver comes rolling into them and ends up killing the 5 year old son in the family. The weird thing here is that like 20 minutes before that a man saw this drunk drivers car swerving and he forced his car into his and made him pull over and he knew he was drunk. So this guy speeds up and reached a police check point and tells them there is this drunk guy coming so watch out and the cops replied "well we don't know what his truck looks like" turns out 10 minutes before the check point the accident happened. |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 4571 Registered: Nov-04 | Those ba$tard$ that don't give a flying puck about their lives, should just go ram into a post rather than kill innocent kids or teens. The odd thing about the story I posted was, a normal 17 year old girl would call her parents for help. So that tells me, either she was out secretly or was too afraid of her parents. If that was the case, her parents are stupid morons. The frustrating part is, how do you punish those drunks? Anything they do, can't undo nor bring back the girl's leg. |
Anonymous | "how do you punish those drunks? Anything they do, can't undo nor bring back the girl's leg." They should be forced to live with the family they have affected, and said family is allowed to beat the holy snot out of them as they see fit. it won't bring back the lost person/persons, but it will make them feel better. eye for an eye and all that stuff. |
Nate So Unregistered guest | While were fighting, I hate people who drive 60 mph in the left lane on a two lane highway. They all suck |