ok i have 2 12" audiobahn natural excursion subs 550 rms each, two audiobahn DUB269 6x9 speakers 200 rms i think for the pair, and 2 power acoustik LT1440 amps 720rms @4 ohms bridged or 300x2rms at 4 ohms. i was wondering if i could hook up 1 sub and 1 6x9 to each amp and how would i do this? or any other suggestions to hooking this all up. Any help is much appreciated, thank you.
Did you say you have 2 amps? Why would you want to connect one sub and one 6x9 to a separate amp? That is not a good setup at all. In fact you should be powering the fronts with the extra amp. You can power both rears and the sub with one amp. It's called tri-mode. Check the amp's manual for it. It can be achieved by connecting rear 6x9s to each channel, then the subs to the "bridge" connectors. Of course you will need to use capacitors for the 6x9s and a coil for the sub.
That'll depend on the sub's voice coil Is it DVC or SVC? If it's DVC then you can wire each sub in parallel to get 2ohms and then wire them in series to get 4ohms total. If it's SVC, then you're out of luck.