Att: Glasswolf.....JBL vs. Boss!!!!


hi glass,
a little while ago you recommended a JBL PB600.1 to me in another thread. At that time i had a Boss R1400D running my L5 solobaric (dvc 2ohm).

It sounded ok with the boss.....pretty good really, better that some pairs of 10's and some 12's i had heard.
To be as cheap as it was i really liked it!!!

But today i got my JBL 600.1 in and put it on the solo. With the boss i had a little distortion at higher volume and it began to clip a little too soon than i thought it should...I put to JBL in and there was a noticable difference. I gained at least 1dB ,maybe 2dB and the SQ was way better at higher volumes. Bass was richer and tighter.

the amp was REALLY worth the $200 i paid. especially since it was only $50 more than the Boss!

I wanna put the solo in a vented box....yea i'm the guy that put up that thread about the vented solo 12...and the JBL doesnt have a subsonic filter....Where can i get an inline subsonic filter and do they may ones that are variable?

thanks for recommending the amp....I'm ordering a 200A alt and another JBL soon.

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 1166
Registered: 12-2003
yeah you can get an in-line RCA subsonic filter pretty cheap if you look around.
They just plug into the RCA jacks at the amplifier.
By the way, make sure to use a pair of Y splitters at the amo's RCA unputs so all 4 jacks have signal.
It really makes the JBL amps come alive. Especially for $5 for a couple splitters.

I haven't looked for filters on-line recently so I'm not sure who'd have them.
I'll fish around a bit for some later. I just got home from a long day, so I'm a bit tired at the moment.
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