Bronze Member Username: Mysta_kleptoPost Number: 13 Registered: Feb-05 | How do you tell which sub will have more SPL. What does the Decibal rating mean, What would i need to hear me coming down the streets |
Bronze Member Username: ShokheadLakewood, CA USA Post Number: 29 Registered: Jan-05 | Its listed in the sub info. If you have a sub that claims to go down to 25Hz at 85spl,well it not loud enough to be of use. Now if you have a sub that claims to go down to 30Hz at 115 spl,thats better. To be able to use low Hz,you have to be able to play it loud enough to use it. I think thats right. |
Silver Member Username: SolacedagonyNew Jersey US Post Number: 258 Registered: Oct-04 | I'm not sure at all what DS was trying to say, but SPL is a rating for how loud sound is. (Sound Pressure Level) If you're comparing subs, you're comparing many different factors of it including the surface area and the total excursion of the sub, not to mention the vehicle, enclosure, etc, etc. There's about half a million factors involved, all in all. I'm sure some other guys can explain more on top of that. |
Silver Member Username: InvainMichigan United States Post Number: 419 Registered: Aug-04 | Yeah. The spl or db rating is just how many decibels the sub will play with 1 watt of power. Sort of like efficieny I think. You really don't have to worry about it though. |
Silver Member Username: SolacedagonyNew Jersey US Post Number: 263 Registered: Oct-04 | The efficiency rating and SPL rating are two different things. |
Silver Member Username: InvainMichigan United States Post Number: 427 Registered: Aug-04 | Shoot. Maybe, I get some of that stuff mixed up. Whichever one I was talking about though was the sensitivity, which is stated in db's. |
Silver Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 618 Registered: Nov-04 | of coarse you also have to watch the manufac. they will inflame specs,like sensitivity, and xmax and stuff ;lke that to make there product seem better. for example, i had a set of power acoustiks fubr12s and the sensitivity on them was "said" to be 91. which means its crazy efficient. which it wasnt, and the rms on it was 750 but it could barely handle 400, yes this is where box size comes in to play. |
Bronze Member Username: ShokheadLakewood, CA USA Post Number: 33 Registered: Jan-05 | Let me try it this way. 25Hz dont mean sh$t if it doesnt go loud enough to hear it. 25Hz this loud and 25Hz THIS LOUD is what i'm talk'n about. |
Silver Member Username: InvainMichigan United States Post Number: 436 Registered: Aug-04 | Alright. That pretty much depends on the sub itself, the enclosure, power running to it, etc. I told you what the db rating meens, not sure what else you want. There really isn't any "magical" number that will tell you if one sub will get louder than another at a certain frequency. |
Bronze Member Username: Mysta_kleptoPost Number: 14 Registered: Feb-05 | what would you suggest to get. as far as price range i don't want to spend over 1000 for subs alone. i just want the loudest and it to hit hard. so which is better 2 15" or 4 10" |
Silver Member Username: SubfanaticWalton, Ky Usa Post Number: 173 Registered: Dec-04 | that all depends on what your talking about...lets say for example were talking 2 15's or 4 10's of the same brand lets go with umm...eclipse ti's.... the 10 inch ti its rated at 750 watts rms and 1500 watts peak ok...its xmax is 1.50 inches one way this makes a diffence because of how much air it can move...right?...and also has a surface area of roughly 8 inches because of the room the surround takes up the 15 inch 750 watts rms and 1500 watts peak just like the 10 inch....but its xmax is 1.75 inches one it will move slightly more air correct? creating more pressure...this sub is going to have an area of around 12 inches maybe..not positive just an ok lets take the 2 12 inch surface area which is 24 right...the 4 10's have around 32 inches surface all together thats more air moved all together even though you are using more powerful bigger this shows that 4 10's would be better...but it can be totally wrong in the same way... lets go with TOTALLY diffent brands 2 15 inch eclipse Ti Pro's against 4 10 inch sony xplodes lol Ti pros= 3000 rms 5000 peak, xmax 3.5 one way Sony's= 300 rms 1100 peak, cant find cant list it...too worthless lol So if your comparing these 2 im not even going to exlplain the Ti pros blow them out of the water.. I honestly have no idea why i posted this i reall hope this helps in any way explaining how power among sizes can be managed...but also in comparing all of this its 20% equipment and 80% install so install is critical the sony's could destroy the ti's if they didnt have a proper box... This is the most simple way i could find to explain and help pursuade what to get its all up to what kind of money you want to spend what kind of subs you want to run...also about the db thing...its just the sound pressure level and there is absolutly no way you can tell what sub wil have the best Db's....ive seen 4 explodes hit 156 db and ive had my subs only hit like 100 lol...its all on the set worry more about that then the equipment... is this post pointless lol...ive typed all this no way im not posting it now lol |
Bronze Member Username: Mysta_kleptoPost Number: 15 Registered: Feb-05 | no the postwas not pointless sub, but i do have a couple questions. i have heard people say never get 12s is there a reason oris that prefrence. and hwne i putmy subs in my trunk how do i want to face them all ot get the highest db and spl. should i make a wall have some facing down intothe car makea half circle or what? i have also been looking at subs and was wondering how do you think either 4 10s or 3 or 4 15s Power acoustik Mofo's would sounds. also on the mofo 12" on ebay %26%26 he says that the subs have 90 Db's i though there was no way to tell that but by testing the subs hen you put them in. also which brands should i stay away from and which ones should i gear towards. If the Mofo's are good subs i want to get those. depening on others input. |
Bronze Member Username: Mysta_kleptoPost Number: 16 Registered: Feb-05 | no the postwas not pointless sub, but i do have a couple questions. i have heard people say never get 12s is there a reason oris that prefrence. and hwne i putmy subs in my trunk how do i want to face them all ot get the highest db and spl. should i make a wall have some facing down intothe car makea half circle or what? i have also been looking at subs and was wondering how do you think either 4 10s or 3 or 4 15s Power acoustik Mofo's would sounds. also on the mofo 12" on ebay %26%26 he says that the subs have 90 Db's i though there was no way to tell that but by testing the subs hen you put them in. also which brands should i stay away from and which ones should i gear towards. If the Mofo's are good subs i want to get those. depening on others input. |
Bronze Member Username: ShokheadLakewood, CA USA Post Number: 36 Registered: Jan-05 | Why do i keep saying spl when i mean db,am i smart or what. LOL |
Silver Member Username: SolacedagonyNew Jersey US Post Number: 269 Registered: Oct-04 | That's probably the efficiency rating that Joe was referring to earlier. This guy doesn't seem to know a sub from a hole in the ground from his ebay listing. He's had 6 ebay transactions and half of them were negative. I wouldn't deal with him if I were you. Other than that, I've never dealt with the Power Acoustik stuff, so I couldn't tell you. Probably decent for a first time system though. |
Silver Member Username: SubfanaticWalton, Ky Usa Post Number: 176 Registered: Dec-04 | well when people talk about dont get 12's its just personal preferrance but i agree with it for some reason as well...i would much prefer to have 10's or 15's...for some reason 12's just turn me off...there is absolutly nothing wrong with them and to me i cant see tooo much of a differnce in the 2 so id rather also save the extra money going smaller as well lol... about the way they face is alll a matter or trial and error....every sub and every cabin is different...for example...i was running 2 kicker comp vr's and they sounded the best facing away from me with the smaller side of the back seat down not the bigger side...and i just put in a 10 inch eclipse al and it sounds better facing me with the larger side down instead of the smaller...there are serioulsy a half milllion factors that can go into it lol... also just as jake said...dont deal with that seller and i hera good things of power acoustic but i would never buy them....not my thing at all....and when he says 90 db it is referring to how the sub will sound with 1 watt or power or somen like that im pretty sure thats how it goes...and all subs have that rating you can look around if youd like....someone else should be able to explain that a little better than i can im not too good with that good luck |
Bronze Member Username: Mysta_kleptoPost Number: 17 Registered: Feb-05 | alright thanks guys. if you guys don't think there is anything wrong with the Mofo 0's or 15's then i will go with them the only hting i need to do now is decide amps, speakers, battery to run them(probly 4 10's or about 3 15's, speakers and tweaters. i know you guys probly help alot of people out but if you guys could help me build my system i would appreciate it. i klnow im going to get a clarion head unit, %26%26 , i kinow the bid has ended but thats the HU i want im not sure which speakers and tweaters to go with, and im not sure how to set up a battery so i don't use all my altenator, and then there are also amps. like i said i know you guys might not want to help but if you do it will be appreciated |
Anonymous | |
Silver Member Username: InvainMichigan United States Post Number: 458 Registered: Aug-04 | Dude, we've all seen your Eclipse's. Their nice. Enough already. |
Bronze Member Username: ShokheadLakewood, CA USA Post Number: 38 Registered: Jan-05 | Love tunes in my car but not doing all that crap and expense in my car. |
Silver Member Username: SubfanaticWalton, Ky Usa Post Number: 192 Registered: Dec-04 | ok anon...see yes your system is nice...ive seen a few times now...dont need to anymore...but like Ds said...kind of...i guarantee itsnot safe and ill could jack it all with ease |
Silver Member Username: James1115Wilton, Ct Post Number: 584 Registered: Dec-04 | hahahahaha... he tries to post under anonymous like we all dont know who he is. Oh yeah I called Eclipse for you buddy and they want their DI%K back. |
Bronze Member Username: DankmanGranger, Indiana United States Post Number: 27 Registered: Jan-05 | I hate myself sorry everybody, Fu*k Eclipse, Peace |
Bronze Member Username: Mysta_kleptoPost Number: 20 Registered: Feb-05 | what speakers,amp, and tweeters would you go with for 3 15" mofo subs |
Silver Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 644 Registered: Nov-04 | hey i want my credit jake, im the one who had the crappy power acoustiks and said they inflame the sensitivity, damn it!!!! lol. they are not very good subs at all. if i had mine still i would sell them to you cheap. i ended up selling both of them in a q logic box for 150. the damn box was 100. |
Silver Member Username: Zacdavis~Post Number: 446 Registered: Sep-04 | Jake Davis Silver Member Username: Solacedagony New Jersey US Post Number: 258 Registered: Oct-04 Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2005 - 12:10 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not sure at all what DS was trying to say, but SPL is a rating for how loud sound is. (Sound Pressure Level) If you're comparing subs, you're comparing many different factors of it including the surface area and the total excursion of the sub, not to mention the vehicle, enclosure, etc, etc. There's about half a million factors involved, all in all. x2 ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: ShokheadLakewood, CA USA Post Number: 43 Registered: Jan-05 | You missed my post that i meant db,not spl,my bad. I know you can forgive me. |