i was comparing head units for my new system and i was wondering what everyone thought between these two: alpine cda-9835 (or 9855 when it comes out) and the pioneer premier DEH-P860MP. which is better? which one would everyone choose? anything at all, thanks!
Each one is very good. I think the 9855 only has 2 volt preamp outs, i dont remember and im too lazy too check but if u are adding amps then that becomes a factor. the 9835 has 4 volt preamp outs and the Pioneer premier has 6 volt. I would say go w/ alpine because they are better than Pioneer but I like the Pioneer decks and I've heard that Alpine HUs do not have treble and bass controls which kinda sux.
Thats wat im tryin to figure out, if u find out lemme kno, i kno there are preset EQs but they are unable to be changed, u kno like Flat, Rock, Pop, Super Bass, etc.