Hey i was just wondering if anyone knew the true rms watts for the ppi a100 art series,I know its only rated at 25x2 at 4ohms but that is way underrated.I will either be using it to power one set of infinity kappa perfect 6.5" comps,or one jl 12w6v2 400rms.Is this amp strong enough for either of these speakers?Also is it 2 ohm stable in bridged mode?
no its not able to run a jl12w6v2. It is also not bridgable to two ohms. If you are looking for a PPI amp to run that sub my recomendation would be get another one and run the PPI a600. I have done this set-up and it sounded very good. Yes it is underrated but I dont know exactly how much. it will power your infinity's nicely.