i'm getting a kicker 1200.1 amp and two 15" oz matrix elites. would this amp be able to supply sufficient power for both subs? (amp: 1200x1 at 1 ohm) ( subs:700 rms 1400 max) i know that this amp will only give about 600 watts a piece but cant that amp give out a little more that 1200 watts?
That'll depend on the manufacturer. For example, Zapco/Arc Audio/Orion/US Amps under rate their power numbers and use 12 as a measuring source. So if they advertise 1000W @ 12v, then you'll get much more at 14.4v. Cheaper manufacturers will use 14.4v rating as their power number. How much are you paying for Kicker amp? Orion HCCA 2100 will more than outpower kicker amp 1200.1 and probably cost less.
That is not a bad price but for $680, you are almost in the Zapco/Arc Audio/Orion/PPI/Xtant range. I've seen Zapco C2K 9 on sale for $800 on eBay before. That amp was 2000W rms. RF and Kickers are a good brand, but as you go higher in price, there are much better brands.
No, you don't want to get 2 amps for the subs. It's a waste of money and power. If you haven't purchased the amp yet, then take a look at Orion 2500D amp. It is very powerful. I've tested Audiobahn DUP1800D 1800W rms amp. Very nice for $359.