Ok,here is my set up...i have 2 15" kicker comp vrs....i just bought a brand new audiobahn dub series amp, i have that running one sub, and a sony 1000 watt max amp running off of that toanother sub....i have the power wire, remote, and ground all coming off of the audiobahn into the sony...the sony amp works, but the audiobahn wont even turn on....it was working just fine, but i had to rewire one of my subs, so i had things discounted a little bit, and then i put it back, and it wont turn on, i am sure everything is hooked up right, and if it wasn't wouldn't the sony not be working? any help wouldbe GREATLY appreciated, thanks!
check the fuse, ground, power, and remote. a distribution block wouldn't hurt either. funny setup. you should power both subs with one amp or two of the same amps, but i guess your using what you have. hope this helps(prob not)