Hey. I'm making my first enclosure for an Infinity 1230w. The paper work that comes with it says a sealed box should be 1.25 cubic ft. I've been using "The Car Stereo Cookbook" and up till now it's helped with all my questions. Now I'm stuck. It say you should brace a box bigger than 1 cubic ft. with 2"x2" lumber. Well I was going to make a 12"x15"x18.75" box but if I put 2"X2" braces all along the joints like the book says that will throw the volume off by about .35 cubic ft. So then I change the box size to 12x15x22.1. Of course then that throw off the volume again because the braces then need to get bigger. Any knowledge of an equation that could help here? Or any feed back on weather I really need braces?
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hahaha Ross, i told you to use 3/4 MDF and you will be fine.
if you are worried that mdf is to week try going with apple birch plywood its more exspensive but is a lot stiffer then mdf. it is the ideal material to make boxes out of.
you can also use metal "L" shaped braces from home depot. I used two at every joint for a 4.5 cube box,ported for a 15" x.x.x. and it turned out so fu(ken awsome.then again this was for a x.x.x. you might not need braces
If you use plywood, use marine grade birch, if not you may risk some long term moisture damage. It's more resonant than MDF though, that's the only issue using plywood over MDF.