What gauge wire should i use for my component set??


im going to buy stinger hpm wire but im not sure what gauge wire to get... i have JL VR650 comp set and JL VR650 rear speakers and i think im going to get TR350 3.5 inch speakers for the back also. let me kno what you think thanks

Unregistered guest
0 gauge, but really? 14-10 should be fine, iv heard the smaller the wire the more "signal" you'll get, but that could be a myth.

Silver Member
Username: Wojopro

Post Number: 149
Registered: Nov-04
0 gauge? Are you crazy??? NO need for nothing that big for speaker wire.... Thats crazy... especially for 3.5 in speakers.

Unregistered guest
sumone cant idenify sarcasm when they read it.

Bronze Member
Username: Marley289

Post Number: 17
Registered: Nov-04
for speakers a 14 - 10 would be fine

Silver Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 866
Registered: Jul-04
even 10 would be pushing is, 14 should do just fine, i mean com;n my subs wired with 14 ga...alot of people just use 16ga but if your running components like you say you are then 14 would be fine...anything over that is just gross excess...
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