ok no one could help me first time so il try again ^my current box im making my question is- .. as u can see the ring for 15 inch woofer is not mounted i was going to mount it facing towards the front in between the 2 12"s but i have herd subs that face towards the front of the car produce an undesirable sound .. is this true or should i go ahead and do it?(goes where back seats used to be in an 88 mustang to give u a picture)
not sure about sound but that's gonna look nice as hell when your done with it if you mount that a little higher than the others and in the center....nice work.
Posted on
Hey ROB FOX why don't you mind your own buisness. I don't think the question was "How do you think it will look". Mark S and I are good friends, so when I say something it comes from both of us. So go F**K yourself and in the future don't answer questions that arent asked A** hole!!!
well i really dont understand the q. but if you look at high spl cars they all have the subs facing forward. ive never dealt with fiberglass,but i would imagine that will work the same. well with high output spl cars the subs are close to the front of the car, since it is in your backseat then i think you might loose a little bit in dbs there. other then that it sounds good. looks like your almost done with the fiberglassing so i would just finish it and see what it sounds like. what are you dropping in them? the enclosures for the 12s look kind of small thats why i asked.
Posted on
Mark S and I don't have to listen to that crap. You don't know what your talking about Hunter Warren so don't pretend like youy do. You people piss me and Mark off so stop typing!!!
im sorta trying to build an sq system accually thats why im asking if mounting it facing forward will create cone noise or something i herd glasswolf or someone mention this ..it is 2 12"s type r's alpine recommends 0.7 - 1.0 cu feet and there around .7 after displ