I need Box Mesasurement...and anything to help give it that kick


Bronze Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 34
Registered: Dec-04
Hey glasswolf...anybody....i need some help on this one...i got rid of evertthing but my interfire amp ( http://www.interfireaudio.com/products_ampli_ib2.htm ) (the IB2900C) and my 10 inch eclipse ti....and i need some help...i want to build my own box...i need to know what would be the perfect box...wiring kit...gauge wires...everything...i need the whole kit and kaboodle to make it hit as hard as that amp and sub can sound together...some day i will invest in a stronger mono amp...but tihs willl do for now...its running 4 of my friends 12s awesome...

but....what material should i use for my box....how big...ported? sealed?....shape?....cubic feet...inches?....where i should make it face in my car...everything i need it all lol.....thank you soooooo much for any help anyone can give me...

Bronze Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 35
Registered: Dec-04
and also....i forgot to add...what about downfiring...any special techniques i know nothing about or anything..ive heard people talk of downfiring...but i dont really know much about it...i just want to know what is going to hit the absolut hardest on my chest

Bronze Member
Username: Rzarector

Coquitlam, Bc Canada

Post Number: 69
Registered: Dec-04
for your box build it using 3/4" medium density MDF.. as for what box and the sizes its all about your prefference sealed boxes i think gives u the best sq a ported box will give u a modest increase in spl especially around the tuned frequency but will still have good sq and bandpass will be the loudest but they sound like sh!t IMO..your sub manuals probably list the recommended box volumes people say that subwoofers faced upwards or to the rear of the car sound better.. i had mine faced towards the front and they sounded alright tho..
how much experience do u have in box building?
if its not much i would go with sealed.. ported and bandpass boxes have to be very accuratly built..

4 gauge wire should be enough for wiring the amp

Bronze Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 36
Registered: Dec-04
yea but what size sghould i use...and what style...any help...i want it to be powerful and look really good as well

Bronze Member
Username: Zepp

Post Number: 16
Registered: Dec-04
if this is your first box, i would do a sealed, its the easiest to build and you dont have to worry about port calculations and what not

a good shape is a wedge, the angled front (or back) will reduce standing waves

as for sizes, your sub should have some recommended volumes. then when you design your box, start with the internal dimensions to aquire your volume, and add the 3/4"mdf to the design. for a wedge, your dimensions are simply a square and a triangle.

where it faces in the car depends on the car really, its usually a good idea to point them towards the back of your car

Bronze Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 40
Registered: Dec-04
what is mdf...and is there any awesome material i could make i out of...and i wouldnt mind figuring out all of the dimensions and sh*t...but what is this about a triangle box????...can i do that...lol...that would be intersting

Bronze Member
Username: Wojopro

Post Number: 90
Registered: Nov-04
Medium Density Fiberboard. Great stuff!

Bronze Member
Username: Wojopro

Post Number: 91
Registered: Nov-04
Silght angled box.... Nothing too extreme is necessary. Not a triangle box.. He was just saying the basic shape of the sides I guess!

Bronze Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 43
Registered: Dec-04
well what would be a good port size to tune it powerfully...need some help please....lol;
thanks for ALL the tips so far...they are great helps

Bronze Member
Username: Subfanatic

Walton, Ky Usa

Post Number: 47
Registered: Dec-04
come on wolf...gimme some help

Silver Member
Username: Koz1031

Monticello, In United states

Post Number: 381
Registered: Jul-04
well i'm not wolf, but if you look up your subs on the net, most will give you box recommendations. just build one of those. When they give you a ported box they normally give your port dimensions also, and a tuning frequency. just follow their recommendations.

as far as a triangled box, I think you r refering to an angled box, which if not building a sealed, it is recommednded that at least 1 wall of a ported or bandpass box be angled to help eliminate standing waves.
As far as box shape is considered the sky is the limit, as long as you r able to figure the cuft.

awsome material to build one out of. the best is MDF. if you want to get fancy, learn to fiberglass. that can lead to some awsome shapes, but once again, make sure you can figure the square feet.

other than that I'll let glass take over, maybe he can add better insight.
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