Help, My amp shuts off when I turn up the sound level.


J brower
Unregistered guest
I have two ppi 15"s and a, xtreme audio as-2500 amp. I just got my lanzar amp kit in the mail and was trying to hook it all up today. The wire is 0guage. A fuse box came with the kit that goes from 1 0guage positive wire to 2 8 guage wires. I hooked up my 0guage wire into the fuse box and ran one 8 guage wire from that to my amp. I only got the amp to turn on twice. This was when the sound level on the amp was turned all the way down. When the amp turned on, I would slowly turn up the sound level and it would shut off at about 1/3. I dont have a clue as to what to do. Im thinking I might have to run two 8guage wires out the back of the fuse box, and connect them together in the amp. Please give me some suggestions guys. Thanks, Jeff

Silver Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 123
Registered: Dec-04
that "fuse box" is called a distrabution block! Ok you put your 0 guage wire in the side with the big hole in it and have the two 8's come out the other side where there is 2-4 holes it isnt that hard. Check all your connections and check your grounds and if have to be swith the ground ans see how that works for you. Check your connection at the battery. Do a once over your entire system and make sure you didnt cut and of the wires while running them like the power wire. if it has a cut in it it could be grounding out on the car before it gets to the amp. Also check the speaker wires make sure they are not backwards and mixing up the polarity of the sub's. well thats all I can think of for ya.

j brower
Unregistered guest
Thansk for the help james. After I run the two 8guage wires out of the distribution block, what do I do with them? Thanks

Silver Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 124
Registered: Dec-04
wait are you running one amp or two? If 1 you only need to run 1 wire out of the distrabution block! Run it right into the B+ on the amp. The only reason you have that block is because the amp can't accept 0 guage coming into the B+ terminal.

j brower
Unregistered guest
I thought that by running all of my power throught 1 8guage wire, it wouldnt provide enough power to the amp. Then the amp would try to draw that power through the smaller wire and make it heat up. The kit also came with another distribution bloack without fuses. I ran two 8guage wires from the fuse dis. block to the other block. Then I ran one 0guage wire from the non-fuse block to the amp. I widdled down the end of the 0guage wire to make it fit into the amp in the B+ terminal. I just did this and I got it to work, while the gain was being turned up. I have another question regarding rcas.

There are 6 rca inputs on the back of my head unit. There are four in a square, which are the SW and F outputs. There is another set of outputs on the other side that are labeled " rear output"

On my amp , there are four rca hookups. Which four hookups do I use on my headunit? I think I hook up the SW and "rear output" rca's on my headunit, to the input and output, respectably, on my amp. Is this right? thanks again, Jeff

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 7024
Registered: Dec-03
1: gain on amp is set too high
2: you have too low of a load on the amp (as in two 4 ohm subs in parallel on a bridged amp for example)
3: you don't have enough current from the charging system and the amp is going into protection due to clipping.
4: bad ground point for the amp.

one of those 4 are the cause of your problem.

j brower
Unregistered guest
Thanks guys,I have the amp and subs working now.
Is it a problem if I turn off the power, and a second later a short blurp comes from the subs?

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

NorthWest, Michigan USA

Post Number: 7048
Registered: Dec-03
that's usually just a sign of a poor, cheap amp design, with no noise isolation circuitry. better amps have a "soft" power on/off that suppresses stuff like that if it occurs.
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