Building a Box for 2 JL 10W6v2 subs???


Alright, I want to build my box, but the math idea with doubling volume and all that has confused the shiznits out of me. JL says for 1 JL 10w6v2 you need .625 ft^3 net internal volume. I looked at the 12W6v2 and that box needs twice the amount of space then the 10W6v2. Can i use those dimensions and play around with them and make it like 23"x 12.25x 10" ? thanks! Dave

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 1032
Registered: 12-2003
do you want a ported or sealed box for the 12W6v2?

JL has box designs for the subs right on their site for download in PDF format.
has everything done for ya.

I have 2 10 inch W6v2 subs... and they only have it for 1 sub... and then they say just double the volume for 2 subs and 3 times the volume for 3 subs. Im looking to build a sealed box. If you double the dimensions of the box your not doubling the volume are you? because a box thats 29 x 24 x 20.5 is an aweful looking box and quite huge for a civic coupe. Thanks Glass wolf for help!

Unregistered guest
u just double the lenght not every thing

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 1050
Registered: 12-2003
you double the volume.
if one 10" sub requires 1cu foot, then two 10" will need 2cu ft.
you'd keep the same depth, same hight, and double the box width.
you'd basically build two single boxes, joined together on one side.

honest, it's not a difficult concept.

I was wondering about the diagrams on the JL Audio website. Does the diminsions really matter as long as the volume is correct?

alright so then the box for 2 jl 10w6v2 subs is 29 x 12 x 10.25 .... Worrrrd Oh yeah... High density fiber board vs. Medium density fiber board? High is better for the box right? i see alot of pre made boxes made out of MDF. Is it just for product costs?... mdf is cheaper then hdf or what?

Gold Member
Username: Glasswolf

Post Number: 1060
Registered: 12-2003
if the volume is the same, you can alter the dimensions, yes. you need to be careful of a few things, like port clearance for vented boxes, and the clearance between the back of the driver and the back of the box. otherwise, dimensions are open to interpretation.

as for MDF, MDF is a lot cheaper than HDF, and HDF is very difficult to find.
If you can get HDF, it's also quite a bit heavier, but it makes for a better box in the end.. the higher density improves damping.
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