System Upgrade - Subaru Legacy GT


New member
Username: Skidaddy

Daytona Beach, Florida USA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-04
This is my first post, I've lurked here and learned a bit, now I have some intelligent questions about upgrading the OEM system.

Some background first - the 2005 Legacy is brand new and there doesn't seem to be a replacement for the OEM 6 disc HU, so I'll probably work with it for a while. I have a 30 minute one way commute and listen at moderate levels. I'm seeking a very accurate system with excellent imaging and no audible distortion at moderate levels (I'm trying to preserve my hearing). I listen to a variety of music from Pink Floyd to Stryper to The Trans Siberian Orchestra.

I currently plan to put a Basslink in the trunk and upgrade the OEM "6 speaker 120 watt" system with new elements in the original locations.

Now the questions: I've read that using only speakers in the front gives the best imaging to the front seat passengers. With my kids in the back that works out well too. Should I just disconnect the rear OEM drivers or leave them connected for fill?

For my requirements, what would the best component sytem be for the front doors, say a $300 cap on price?

What about the amp - how much wattage do I really need to match the Basslink? What would your recommmendation be for an under seat unit?

Is there anything better than the Basslink for the money?

Thanks for you help.


New member
Username: Skidaddy

Daytona Beach, Florida USA

Post Number: 2
Registered: Dec-04
Today I listened to several different 6.5 component sets, including JL, Diamond Audio, Total, and Focal 165a. In my targeted budget area of $300 retail the best to my ears were the Focal 165A units. Yes, others costing twice as much did sound slightly better.

What is the general consensus on the Focal Acces series here?

Is there something better in the $300retail range?
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