New member Username: Dropthedeuce06Post Number: 2 Registered: Dec-04 | im lookin to buy a lcd for the front and ive been lookin at the alpine IVA-D300 or the pioneer 6600 i think it is... which one is better? which one has more features etc.? and do i need a brain or whatever for those or do they come with one? thanks |
Bronze Member Username: TerminatermuleAustralia Post Number: 39 Registered: Nov-04 | ... there is so much milage to be had from that brain question :-) ..must resist urge to comment on brain requirements... must not post :-) Thanks for a laugh to brighten a dull Friday arvo mate :-) Cheers Glenn |
New member Username: Dropthedeuce06Post Number: 3 Registered: Dec-04 | ur weird man |
Bronze Member Username: TerminatermuleAustralia Post Number: 40 Registered: Nov-04 | Dude, Take it out of context and you may see the humor in it (you may not aswell but I can't help that ;-]) "and do i need a brain or whatever for those or do they come with one?" Come on thats just begging for a smart ar$e comment :-) laugh man, there was no ill intent. Cheers Glenn |
New member Username: Dropthedeuce06Post Number: 4 Registered: Dec-04 | no ur just dumb and think ur funny cheers kevin |
mooreysANa$$ Unregistered guest | alpine or pioneer????ALPINE OF COURSE...thats why hes cant even compare alpine to pioneer....moorey...dont be such a d*uchebag it was only a question. |
New member Username: Dropthedeuce06Post Number: 8 Registered: Dec-04 | ok h*omo |
Bronze Member Username: ShouderWisconsin Post Number: 68 Registered: Dec-03 | You can't compare the Iva-d300 to the avh-p6600, you have to compare it to the avh-p7500. Heres positives and negatives to each. The Avh-p7500 has a tv tuner built in and better sound reproduction/eq than the iva-d300. It also has better clarity as far as the screen goes, simply because the iva-d300 has the pulse touch. but that on the other hand is frickin awsome in itself. Have you played with one, it really does feel like your pushing buttons. Also, im not entirely sure on this one, but i don't think the iva-d300 comes with a brain. I know the p7500 does. |
Bronze Member Username: TerminatermuleAustralia Post Number: 45 Registered: Nov-04 | who are you callin a hom0 you lifeless bag of sh*t |
Anonymous | that was funny. and you guys need to lighten up. learn to see the humor in life. damn. comparing the Iva-d300 to the avh-p6600 is like comparing a ferrari, to a ford escort. one is a fantastic piece of electronic wizardry. the other is a pioneer. nuff said. |
Bronze Member Username: TerminatermuleAustralia Post Number: 48 Registered: Nov-04 | :-) Wow someone else that has a sense of humor - was starting to think it was one off on this group :-) Man I think you pretty much some it up spot on, Alpine kicks the a$$ of the Pioneer anyday anytime. Their not even in the same league. Cheers Ps - Chill Kevin |
New member Username: Wolfdog22usPost Number: 8 Registered: Dec-04 | Id actually go with a Kenwood Reciever. I have a Kenwood 4022 and have nothing but praises for it. Go for Kenwood, you will be just as happy. |
Anonymous | now see, i love this man. ![]() I got the Kenwood KVT-915DVD, and i absolutly believe i made the right choice. the pulse touch was the most awesome thing i've seen... er.. felt. but the kenwood IMO, was far better that the alpine and i just hate pioneer so i didn't even consider i. this is the 3rd kenwood i've owned, and when i decide to get a another radio, it'll probally be a kenwood also. but, this is my opinion, some may agree, some may not. everyone has their own. |
UmightbeGAY Unregistered guest | you love...that man???ummmm ok |
Anonymous | Er, I was only supposed to "THINK" that part, not type it. Please disregard that part of the message. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: TerminatermuleAustralia Post Number: 58 Registered: Nov-04 | yes - i must agree that the Kenwood is most likely ahead of the Pioneer, but here's my beef with Kenwood. Over the last 3 years I have put in about 8 kenwoods all up through people cars. (friends that know I can wire it safely) All of them have had mechanical failure at some point - 2 got warranty - 3 didn't and 3 were my own that I cursed at and binned and changed for Alpines - ALL of which are still going perfectly - even my very early Alpine I bought donkies ago. Thats the only reason I now deter people from Kenwood. Cheers Glenn |
Bronze Member Username: ShouderWisconsin Post Number: 72 Registered: Dec-03 | Im sorry but i fail to understand why kenwood is even in this conversation. It should probally be limited to Alpine, pioneer (premier), clarion, and eclipse. Kenwood and others don't compare to the quality of build and performance of these head units. |
Bronze Member Username: TerminatermuleAustralia Post Number: 61 Registered: Nov-04 | yeah - if you only talk about Pioneer Premiers then the Pionner is far far superior to the kenwoods. The other Pioneer rubbish is only on par with kenwood, hence my statement above. Neither are anywhere near the same league as Alpine, some Clarions and Eclipses, and the Premier range of Pioneers. Kenwoods have a very bad reputation for a reason. Cheers Glenn |
Bronze Member Username: ShouderWisconsin Post Number: 74 Registered: Dec-03 | Good call Moorey, im starting to warm up to your posts. |
Bronze Member Username: Ps1k0Post Number: 88 Registered: Aug-04 | I've had the exact opposite results with kenwoods. i have a kenwood tape deck in my daily driver that works perfectly fine. i bought it in the summer of 96'. i've also installed quite a few kenwood recievers, changers, amps, and speakers/subs and had no returns for defective product (although some people tried to say "it just stopped working". but the soda in the cd changer said differently) |
Silver Member Username: WojoproPost Number: 103 Registered: Nov-04 | Old kenwoods rocked.... New ones just arent made the same... I love alpine. The Iva-D300 rocks. Not the best alpine makes but is cool... Pulse touch is interesting!!!! |
New member Username: J_1alpineColorado Post Number: 3 Registered: Jan-05 | ALPINE is the way to go. I have the IVA-D300 its been great for me. Im going to be upgrading to the new IVA-D310. I will be sellin my old one for a pretty decent price. |
New member Username: Scrt69Ontario Canada Post Number: 2 Registered: Feb-05 | quote [but i don't think the iva-d300 comes with a brain. I know the p7500 does.] YES, the alpine comes with a brain, but no tv tuner, that is seperate (anywhere from 200-500 dollars) |
Unregistered guest | To be perfectly honest, Alpine isn't all it's hyped up to be. Ask any Electrical Engineer familiar with car audio components and they will tell you the internal components outfitted in the Alpine equipment don't even compare to Pioneer. They just don't have the longevity that Pioneer has, which isn't a huge suprise since Pioneer has been in the game for as long as they have. Sure Alpine has some features that Pioneer might not have, but they just don't stand the test of time (speaking from personal experience with Alpine equipment). Case and point; 4 years ago I purchased one of there "high end" cd player head units and the motor which turns the cd completely cr@pped out after only 3 weeks of use. After running bench tests on these side by side is a real eye opener as well. THD is less on Pioneer too, but your ears really can't tell the difference unless you are out of the vehicle with the volume blasting. The true audiophile will choose Pioneer over Alpine anyday. |