Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 68 Registered: Sep-04 | If you own an Ed sub or know somone who does, what do you think of them and how they perform? spl,sq.. |
ENJOI 150db Unregistered guest | yea hey people i just bought four elemental design Kv.2`s let me know if they are good, bad and what not even though its too late cuz i bought them, haha i have faith in E.d |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1182 Registered: Dec-03 | i have a pair of 11kv.2s in a massively huge porrted box tuned to 29 Hz with 250w rms each one and wow...they are pretty darn loud i have abut 141.3 from them at dash and like 157 something at the port freakin loud especially for 10s heh |
Help2 Unregistered guest | I have a 13Kv2 on a NINe 2. IMO a 13Kv2 is a shiva with better SQ, and more SPL. Some people will probably disagree with that, but more than likely they havent heard a 13Kv2. Ive heard both. The eD sub is also more transparent than any sub Ive heard in the same class. Another good they preform better in a small box than most subs in the same class. Considering you get a free 3 year warranty... free help with box design and wiring instantly using the eD Live system(daytime hours) and a price tag under 140 bucks shipped(115 for the 11Kv2, 125 for the 13Kv2, 135 for the 16Kv2..all shipped prices) no B stock shady eBay sellers... This is manufacturer direct. You can even call up the owner and talk to him personally if you want. that being said... I dont think theres a better deal on the market. They will surprise the crap out of you. |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1184 Registered: Dec-03 | agreed ![]() and well put |
Silver Member Username: JohnnylemoineLaPlace, Louisiana United States Post Number: 298 Registered: Aug-04 | whats the website for the ed's? |
Help2 Unregistered guest | |
New member Username: UdaiPost Number: 1 Registered: Dec-04 | How would you guys compare the IDQ 10V.2 D4 to the same class sub for ED Im getting my car soon and i want to know which 1 has better sq. Im looking for about 500 watts rms total. Also whats the diff between a duah 2 ohm voice coil and a dual 4 ohm |
Help2 Unregistered guest | The difference between dual 2 and dual 4 is just wiring options. for instance...if your amp is stable down to 2 ohms x1 get the dual 4 version if it is stable at its highest power to either 1 or 4 ohms x1, get the dual 2 version IMO, ID subs are a lil better than eDs, but they are more expensive...(bout 35-40 bucks on average) Either way, good choice. |
Silver Member Username: JohnnylemoineLaPlace, Louisiana United States Post Number: 299 Registered: Aug-04 | would any of you say that an eD sub is better than a JLW3D4(not the V2) 12". I have a JL W3 but i want something with a little more "umph". I was lookin at IDQ v.2 or an eD Kv13 if that is the right name. Could anyone tell me? Also is that a 12 inch sub? |
Help2 Unregistered guest | the eD 13Kv2 is a 12" sub, yes. they refer to it as a 13" because the cone area is closer to a 13" than a 12" it will still fit in a 12" sub hole. The IDQ and the eD are quite similar. youd probably enjoy either one. the eD has a little more power handling, and a lower pricetag. the IDQ will be have a little meatier sound and will give you a little more "listen to ME" attitude, as opposed to the more transparent sound of the eD. |
Silver Member Username: JohnnylemoineLaPlace, Louisiana United States Post Number: 300 Registered: Aug-04 | thakns Help2, finally someone answered a question of mine after 2 days. so you are saying that the IDQ will, in a sense, hit harder than the eD? Im just trying to get all the info on the subs as I can before I buy one. I already made the mistake of not doing that. |
Help2 Unregistered guest | hard to say really... depends on the box...the car...the power.. but in my esperience, the ID will be louder. although I got my eD for 80 bucks...(pre-order baby!) ![]() |
Silver Member Username: JohnnylemoineLaPlace, Louisiana United States Post Number: 301 Registered: Aug-04 | well i'll be pushing it with a P3001 which has closer to 400 rms than 300. I have a 2.5 cu.ft. slot ported box. I think Fishy said that it was tuned to about 25 hz. Thanks for your help. |
Silver Member Username: JohnnylemoineLaPlace, Louisiana United States Post Number: 302 Registered: Aug-04 | o yeah im putting it all in my 94 chevy ext. cab silverado. i have my box and JL W3 on the back seat behind the driver seat firing into the back of the seat. |
New member Username: UdaiPost Number: 2 Registered: Dec-04 | thanks for the help "help2". I also had a few more questions: will this amp Hifonics BX1500D Brutus Class-D push these subs Id12 v.2 d2 /d4 (dual 2/4 ohm) or IDQ10 v.2 d2/d4 the reason i mentioned the 10s are because i want to save space and I heard teh sound quality is much better. Im sorta looking for the type of sound that you get when you hit your wall with the bottom of your fist. (clean + loud sorta) If that wouldnt work can you mention a 2 sub/ amp setup that would? |
Help2 Unregistered guest | I would recommend the subs...either set really... might as well go for the 10s because of the size constraints you mentioned. but that amp is a lil too big. look at this one... less power...yes...but better quality. probably does closer to 700wRMS @2 ohms. so...get a pair of the dual 2 ohm version IDQ10s and wire em in series/parallel. what kind of box were you planning on? |
chris22 Unregistered guest | I really like the ed stuff. I had a 13Kv.2 and a NINe.2 installed at their shop in my truck. They did a freaking awesome job. Friends still can't believe what i spent. |
ENJOI 150db Unregistered guest | Damn guys thanks for all the inputs, so basically are ya`ll sayin my four 13kv.2s all properly powered will be loud??? haha i hope so they will def be louder then those damn punch He`s i had and i hit 150.1 with them woo hoo!!! |
Help2 Unregistered guest | 4 13Kv2s with 500wRMS on each in a ported box tuned to the resonant freq in your car... one word... scary. definately not daily driver material though. ![]() |
New member Username: UdaiPost Number: 3 Registered: Dec-04 | Heh thats what im looking for.. daily driver (keeping my hearing tho) Well i dont know the specs on the trunk space in the scion TC hatch, people seem to fit 12s just fine, i dunno.. what do you think? If you post your email ill send you some pics +other info. And are you sure about that kicker amp.. ive heard alota good stuff about that hifonics products(im just judging by the kicker subs, i hate them..) The type of enclosure im looking for is completely custom. Its a sort of a mold into the 2 corners where the rear seat + side walls join in the trunk. |
Help2 Unregistered guest | Kicker makes better amps than Hifonics... Youll have way too much power on tap if you use a 1500w amp anyhow. You can run the hifonics at 4 ohms(500wRMSx1) and get dual 4 ohm subs instead, if you really want to go with hifonics... In that case you could get a BX500D with the dual 4 ohm subs and end up with the same power. But Id go with the kicker amp and the dual 2 ohm subs. 600wRMS will be overpowering, but not a level which youd have to worry about. Plus the Kicker amp is better quality. Remember...I dont especially like kicker subs either... ![]() as far as the enclosure... I was curious as to whether you were going ported or sealed, in regards to the sound you were going for. Im sure youll be able to fit either one your car, especially if youre having it custom built |
New member Username: UdaiPost Number: 4 Registered: Dec-04 | Im all about sound quality so i assume a sealed enclosure will work best. Give me your email and ill send you a quick pic to give you a general idea of the way i want it to look (and i guess ill go with that amp, thx :D) heres a pic with some 10s (not the type of box/ setup i want.. but a general idea) this next link has a few shots of the trunk i read this somewhere: Trunk Space [cu ft.] 12.8 |
New member Username: UdaiPost Number: 5 Registered: Dec-04 | Ok, I talked to another car stereo guy today and he explains this to me. The speakers I am interested in (W7, IDMax, Brahma's, X.X.X, H2), all 10"s, are huge excursion speakers, they are best used for low Lil John Base, R&B. For me, since I likey the fast and upbeat Techno, long excursion is not the key ^ i read this post a second ago and it sorta applies to me. My friend has 2 12w3's powered by a jl 1000.1 amp I want very clean/ loud bass (not too deep tho) like i said earlier, the type of noise you get when you pound a wall with the bottom of your fist. Would those id subs be the right sub for this or not? Sorry about all teh questions |
New member Username: UdaiPost Number: 6 Registered: Dec-04 | Ok, I talked to another car stereo guy today and he explains this to me. The speakers I am interested in (W7, IDMax, Brahma's, X.X.X, H2), all 10"s, are huge excursion speakers, they are best used for low Lil John Base, R&B. For me, since I likey the fast and upbeat Techno, long excursion is not the key ^ i read this post a second ago and it sorta applies to me. My friend has 2 12w3's powered by a jl 1000.1 amp and when turned up his system sounds great. I want very clean/ loud bass (not too deep tho, i want it like his) like i said earlier, the type of noise you get when you pound a wall with the bottom of your fist. Would those id subs be the right sub for this or not? Sorry about all teh questions |
New member Username: UdaiPost Number: 7 Registered: Dec-04 | woops, cant edit ;x |
Help2 Unregistered guest | Looks like youve got plenty of room... You can host pics on this site if youve got no other way to do it... But Im giving my e-mail on here... no need for my mail box to be flooded with questions... ya know ![]() |
Help2 Unregistered guest | Missed your last post dude... be honest.. If youre willing to shell out the cash... the IDMax would be a better option. Id pick the IDMax for your application...because they sound phenominal in lower power applications compared to the w7 trip X and Brahma the Brahma and Trip X's are a a little more power hungry, although they will probably get louder. and the w7 is priced way too high. IMO...for the sound your looking for... get either the 2 IDQs ot 1 IDMax. Powering either with the kicker amp I recommended. Youll be more than happy. |
New member Username: UdaiPost Number: 8 Registered: Dec-04 | I see ;p I plan to spend around 600 bucks or so on just the amp / subs. Do you think id need to get a new headunit? The stock hu powers 6 speakers i believe, stock @ 160 watts. Im sure ill need that extra output thingy i hear so much about on stock hus heres another pic of the look im going for. But instead of mounting the sub on the side its going to be in the top right and left corners w/ a smaller enclosurei suppose ![]() |