Pioneer premier p860mp or alpine 9833 ? preamp voltage differences


I am in the process of finding a replacement for my now deceased clarion 8575z. My current set up is a precision power 6 channel(pc6600) running mb quart components and a infinity perfect 12.1 VQ sub. My question is which head unit would be a better fit. The pioneer looks a little better, but that isn't really a concern. What is a factor is that the pioneer has a higher preamp voltage than the alpine( 6.5 vs. 4) Would the quality of my amp determine if this is a meaningful difference. On the other hand the alpine has a better s/n ration 105 vs 100 for the pioneer. the pioneer has a 13 band eq and the alpine only a 5. Alpine seems to have a better reputation for quality, but pioneer is a great brand too. So , does the pioneers preamp voltage and good looks make it a better choice. Comments and opinions would be very helpful

Bronze Member
Username: Oleg

Santa Monica, CA USA

Post Number: 64
Registered: Nov-04
Premier head units are great. Chances are your amp accepts only up to a 6volt input, which is good for 6.5volt pre-amp outputs. You will come to find out that it will sound a lot more quality at higher volumes. If you like the spec on that, check out kenwood excelon kdc-x979, it gives you the ultimate control, and is only 275 on ebay. If you're only considering those 2, go with the pioneer.

Unregistered guest
I disagree.
All that fancy crap on the pioneer just
wastes power and takes away
from cant really look at it
when youre driving anyhow :-)
regarding the EQ...
the pioneer has a graphic EQ
and the Alpine has a parametric EQ.
IMO the parametric is much better.

Either one will be great, but Id pick
the Alpine
Unregistered guest
Hey, About a month ago I found my self in the same position I had a Panisonic CQDFX883U head unit and decided to give it to my girlfriend. So then i had to pick a new one. I wanted Pioneer or Alpine. I looked around and I ended up with a Pioneer Premier DEH P8MP and all I can say is what a difference. My friend just bought a Alpine CDA-9831 and it is amazing too. I was kinda upset at first with the pioneer because i couldnt get the sound i wanted but now after a couple days of getting used to it. I am now able to adjust it the way i like it and i love it. The 6.5v preouts are amazing. There are just so many different functions so there is a learning cure to it but once you figure it out you are in heaven . My advise to you is just buy what you like more because either way you a going to end up with an amazing head unit.

Bronze Member
Username: Oleg

Santa Monica, CA USA

Post Number: 72
Registered: Nov-04
Seriously, if you like control...look at the kdc-x979 by kenwood. I bet it's nice. 5.5V pre-out, which is still good. And so much other can set the distance between speakers, size of your car...blah blah, check it out for yourself, worst thing that can happen is that you don't buy it.

Bronze Member
Username: Terminatermule


Post Number: 25
Registered: Nov-04

Have you considered the CDA-9835 Alpine? Hella sweet unit, it does only have 4 volt preouts but thats heaps anyway, the components that you use between the preout and the speaker (and the speaker itself) is going to make all the difference. The Alpine's have a good reputation for lasting, and I find the interface to be amazing once you learn it.

My 2 bobs.

Cheers Glenn

The 9835 Alpine is the same thing as the 9833 basically, just with the biolite display. The kenwood is a nice deck , but i think it mounts too deep for my car and i want a simple install. Thanks for all the input, keep it coming

Gold Member
Username: Jonathan_f


Post Number: 2725
Registered: May-04
Don't overlook the Eclipse Units either, the 5444 is fantastic and similar to the Pioneer unit, but built better and with less display and crap on it. 5V preout on that model, and it offers a 13 band graphic similar to the Pioneer, and time correction like the Pioneer. Above that, the Eclipse 8454 is the flagship unit, and offers more features than both the Pioneer and Alpine. You can use Pro mode and get 13 band graphic and 5 band parametric EQs, plus full time alignment and crossover functions for either a 3 way system (mids, tweets, and sub) or front, rear, and sub. 24 bit DACs, an 8V preout at low impedance, and a ton of other features. I've used all of these in the past and personally prefer the Eclipse units. Just giving you another option to look into.
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