hey im new to all this and i just purchased my first set of subs..2 Audiobahn DUB500 SERIES 15" subs 3200W. Now i need to know which amp to purchase..someone on this site reccomended me the HIFONICS BX1500D Class D 1500W Amp..i am also wandering if these two amps are any good and could support my subs...Audiobanh A8000T 1600 Watt Mono 1Channel Amp or the BOSS PD-4000 High-Current Amplifier 4000W. I'm not really sure what kind of thing i need or how much power everything should have, any help is appreciated thanks
What exactly is a DUB line? and if i wire the amp so it delivers 600 watts, then arent i not getting the full potential of my subs since they each support 1600?
I'm going to educate you about this audiobahn stuff really well, so be sure you digest this. The subs can push 1600Watts only for an instance at an extermely high volume. Continously (RMS power) they can only push 800Watts. This number is a lot more important you should really look at this one...800watts RMS. This is a thermal rating, meaning that you can put about 800watts into the sub without the sub burning or blowing. Usually you need less power to get the full potential of the subwoofer, it's maximum excursion. 600watts RMS for each sub should do perfect. Wire them at 2ohms, series-parallel. Search the forum on exactly how to do that. The DUB line is audiobahn stuff with a dub wheel on it, that's all...same stuff. I mean, if you got the DUB subs, get the DUB amp...I bet it'll be a good match. Be sure to tell everyone how everything sounds!
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The Hifonics is a good amp. Hopefully it will remedy those crap subs you bought. good luck.
I call myself AzzHole for a reason. Just because you dont think Im nice doesnt mean I cant have an opinion. Im honest, and it comes out harsh. live with it. There...I added a smiley face to make it look like Im not a total jerk.
That's much better Azzhole. BasAzzBowtie, what Audiobahn amps have you personally used? Just curious. You see I know some that hate Infinity speakers. I think they're great cause I have them in my car and use it everyday. So how does your comments make you different than those that hate Infinity? I'm not saying Audiobahn are great amps. I'm just saying not all of them are not as bad as everyone assumes. I don't follow people just cause they say so. I believe proof is worth more than words. Anyways I do respect your opinions cause that's what makes the forum great.
Can we get some models here? Everyone who has Audiobahn says they like it. Everyone who says they don't like it just say "it sucks." Where's the credibility in that? What sucks about it? I have 2 AW1006T subs and A2300HCT amp, both are very good!