I am purcasing the JL audio 8W7 because of lack of room in the back and i need an amp that can put out around 400 watts at 3 or 1.5 ohms. is there another amp besides JL amps that i could run at 3 or 1.5 ohms?
A JL Audio 500/1 would be a good amp for that, but if you really don't want to run a JL amp on that, Phoenix Gold, JBL, and some others will run that load. Also, I believe any amp that runs 1 ohm stable would be able to run that 1.5 ohm load. Don't quote me on that.
Jake is right, if the amp is 1ohm stable, it'll be able to run at anything above that as well. Do quote me on this one. Everyone speaks exteremly highly of that JBL 1200.1 amp, so try it and I don't doubt you'll enjoy it.
Any help would be welcomed. I was given a JL Audio 12W7 Sub. I am looking for an Amp to push the speaker. I have two MTX 6001 amps already. Will this be good or should I go a different route? I understand that the amp has to a be a 1000/1. is that true?
By the way thanx Oleg Ni for the help concerning biamping the sub.