Archive through November 22, 2004

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
Audiobahn and kickerJeffrey D2
I need DEEP!! bass to rumble down the street!! Help!!Jeffrey D18
Rockford Fosgate vs Adire AudioThatGuyYouKnow12
Kappa perfects 12.1 vs 12vqnewbifier1
Parts at costmakeshift1
Clean, loud, good, reliable highs...JL or kicker...other? ...no1 in...Anonymous1
RE MT, Brahma, or Audiobahn to rumble down the street?taylor1719
Boston acousticsdavid hizzle1
If Someone can answer w/ experienceJeremyC5
Help - solobaricJeffrey D6
Help with SQ subsJeremyC2
What do u think?mike gibbs1
300-400 $ battleJeffrey D11
Need Opinionmike gibbs1
I got SCREWED by buying on EBayRay G14
What sub for 200 and less?Eddie5
Decent sub for not a lto fo money?koz5
Wanted : RE x.x.xThatGuyYouKnow4
SPL Sub (aka RE MT) in a Sealed Box, Improve Sound Quality?JaYJaY20
Eclipse titanium pro 15"sean s3
15" Brahma SPLAudionoob136
Ok best 15" subs 500w rms each..gunna use 2 of them BadAzzBowtie12
My subs arent working!!!!!!!Audionoob132
Wiring helpFosgate Monster Audi2
3x/4x shava, 2x timplest, or 1 brahamajack zheng1
Enclosure for three 10'sBryan B2
Likely cost of a hand made MDF box for a single 12"?JeremyC16
Is it possible?? Reality challanged need not reply;-)koz11
HoW dO i OrDeR aN :: RE MT ??? too many options!!!JaYJaY3
Box recomondationstimothy pardella1
Whats better for DEEP BASS: RE MT or Brahma (12in)?NewUser1
OPINIONS on Alpine R TypesDamien Roberts2
99 Frontier Single Cab. Im a bass head with no room to workdonny keen13
Glasswolf ???Kicker L5 with Mtx RT2400x Amp Anonymous7
What Do U guys think about US Amps.Jonathan16
Good bass from...ThatGuyYouKnow1
Need Help Picking SubsTheNewbie5
Adire TumultAudionoob134
GPS Devices & Accessories !pioneer solanki1
Which sub shouls i buy?its_bacon1221
How to wire dual 6 ohm subs?press115
2 X.X.X powered by...Anonymous1
Best 15" 'sAudionoob133
My Whole new system... what do you guys think/ Glass help!Anonymous6
X.x.x 10's?Jordan Athnos17
Amp fan questionGlassWolf4
Poweplant or VMAXmatt773
Kicker amp aint working ....mike gibbs5
System tipsJames T. Kirk12
Reconditioned Image Dynamics ID12 v.3?Anonymous2
Damm the New Lil John CD Blew My R.E. X.X.X.Azzhole20
4Runner Sound SystemJason Williams1
RICHARD WAGNER blew my damn AudiobahnJames T. Kirk17
Single Cab Chevy SilveradoAnonymous1
Single Cab Chevy SilveradoAnonymous1
Eclipse Products OrderingJake Davis1
180 splGlassWolf3
Hooking up two amps to a DVC subJake Davis3
Audio/subwoofer help! please....?Lauren Bernhard6
Type R'sDamien Roberts2
Type R'sDamien Roberts2
Quick Question bout Sub installgmc suburban 943
Infinity Perfect 12.1 or Infinity Perfect 12VQ and what amp?Justin2
I haddent a clue pioneer got this crazyJuNGLiST9
$10,000,000 FREE!!!!!JuNGLiST10
Alpine Type Rs..vs MTX Thunder8000JuNGLiST4
Ma audiotaylor scott3
Is it true that sealed box=SQ and slot ported box=SPL?JeremyC8
Bridge a dual voice coil sub?Jake Davis3
Two 10" or one 12"?knorc4
2 Audiobahn Immortals 2 Audiobahn A2300HCT's.... ThatGuyYouKnow5
Help with subs and ampBrian Olesen1
Whats the difference in sound between a banpass box and reg.GlassWolf3
How cold Nick7
CDT subskklagge1
New to car Audiokoz5
Protection modekoz2
Whats Wrong With My Rockford?Jeff Loughrey2
Questions for glasswolfGlassWolf2
What do i set my XO at?lucas beckner2
Where to Buy Pioneer Premier Subs?Kenny1
What 1000w rms set up at 2 ohms..1 killer 12" sub 1000w rms or 2 12...Sean Gallagher16
2 decent subs or 1 great onenumb2607
Dear godJake Davis6
RE HC Subs....any good???GlassWolf2
Is this a good deal?Jeffrey D3
Mounting Subs/Installation...Jeff Loughrey2
Wiring?Damien Roberts4
Need Help! To win online car audio competition.Fosgate Monster Audi2
Box blue printsLuis Acosta2
Tempests with musicAnonymous2
Whats a good/great amp for an x.x.x ?Anonymous2
Best sub for 1.86 cubic foot box?FrkKevin3
Brahma MKI vs MKII???Michael Anthes2
Is this system good?Rockford Fosgate6712
What does 2ohm and 4ohm mean??Elecgenius3
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