New member Username: Trancein305Hialeaj, Fl Usa Post Number: 9 Registered: Aug-04 | Ok i bought 2 Alpine type r 1241d's im powering them with a rf 700x amp.for some reason a week after i bought the subs they sounded weird. The rubber surrounding the center cone started to break off when the bass was pounding. I latter began to hear a rattling noise,I thought it was a deffected Sub. But 2 weeks later i bought a new sub and the same thing happened. i listen to alot of Drum%Bass music. usually when i put loundness on in my sony receiver and put the volume at 70% up it starts to make a rattling noise. This has happend to my 3 ALPINE type R Subwoofers over and over. which i think at this point are SHITTY! what do you guys think and recommend. Can it be the connection? Im desperate! =-) |
Silver Member Username: DeathshadowPost Number: 290 Registered: Oct-04 | Hmmm are you clipping the crap out of them? I have had my type Rs for a while and listen to Death Metal/Techno and they are still pounding hard and strong! |
Bronze Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 58 Registered: Nov-04 | it may be because you may not have broken in your subs enough, had your amp set too high and were clipping or you just got very unlucky and got 3 defective subs |
Bronze Member Username: Trancein305Hialeaj, Fl Usa Post Number: 13 Registered: Aug-04 | hehe..I listen to dieselboy Drum&Bass which makes the subs pound fast and loud i guess the subs cant handle fast fast bass. ??? or can it handle fast deep bass. but my amp gain was set up high. i guess ill have to lower it and buy new alpines. but if i do lower the amp gain just a little bit most of the bass is cut off. what can it be that keeps f*cking up my alpine subs?I know they are top notch subs. =-) |
Bronze Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 70 Registered: Nov-04 | you know you should probably break them in at a decent problem before you hit them wit the bass. try messing with some of the other controls on your amp, you may find that you have it set up like that. just remember to keep the volume at about half of what you running it at. thank you and have a nice day, come again. |
Bronze Member Username: Trancein305Hialeaj, Fl Usa Post Number: 16 Registered: Aug-04 | hey do you think it might be the amp gain. also some dude said i should be using a 4 gage wire instead of eight. think that might play a diffrence? |
Sucubus Unregistered guest | You should be using 4 ga. but Id either learn how to properly set your gains or have a professional do it before you ruin 2 more subs. |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1084 Registered: Dec-03 | never have your actual gain set more than halfway... turn off your bass boost, it just aids in the clipping have your low pass frequency cut off at 80-100 Hz so the sub can stay to its dedicated "sub" frequency range and allow subs about a week playing time of no more than 1/3-1/2 volume to break in |
Silver Member Username: DeathshadowPost Number: 294 Registered: Oct-04 | "but my amp gain was set up high. i guess ill have to lower it and buy new alpines" clip clip clip clip |
Silver Member Username: SymplestilesStockton, CA Usa Post Number: 278 Registered: Aug-04 | bacon12, hey i see that you suggest 80-100hz on the LPF, i was told before it should be closer to 50-80hz? i find it sounds a little fuller when i turn it up slightly past or around 80hz, but i also begin hearing vocals and such out of the subs (not alot, just slightly) so i keep it pretty low now (closer to the 50-60hz range im assuming) and i hear nothing but bass. just wondering if slightly hearing those vocals/other sounds are bad for the subs and is indicating the LPF is too high. reguarding clipping, do you actually hear it? and what does it sound like? (just curious, i havnt turned my HU up past half and ive had my subs installed for 2 weeks now, but i can deff. tell they are losening up =D ) |
Bronze Member Username: Trancein305Hialeaj, Fl Usa Post Number: 17 Registered: Aug-04 | what is clipping?? also i guess ill change my wiring to 4 gage and try it for one week with low volumen like its_bacon recommended. Also if i put my amp gain by half way i will hear no bass. Also if i put (( loundness ON)) on my receiver i will hear the bass louder which gives me the sound i want.otherwise my subs will sound like 10''inch woofers if i dont put the (loudness on.) I will check with senor stereo here in miami but i guess they are RIP OFF's =-) |
Bronze Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 76 Registered: Nov-04 | read it and live by it. read all of it. but aside two days, it will take that long |
Silver Member Username: DeathshadowPost Number: 296 Registered: Oct-04 | Well what type of amp/receiver/enclosure do you have? I have two 1221Ds and I have trouble breathing sitting in my back seat, they set car alarms off, My Radar detector smacks against my windshield, My hair stands up on end, furthermore if im parked outside a store with the system 40% up you can hear it in the back w.o any problem inside buildings such as (Wal-Mart). I throw tons of bass at my subs and they have not failed me yet... |
Bronze Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 82 Registered: Nov-04 | good for joe lol j/k |
New member Username: WojoproPost Number: 3 Registered: Nov-04 | Yup yup... clipping. I love the Type R's... Had one before now putting in Three of them! |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1090 Registered: Dec-03 | ok ryan c.. vocals wont hurt your sub at all, itll just sound kinda weird sometimes. i would reccomend 80-100 hz because your speakers have a hard time hitting notes around that range and lower, and distort and sound like crap. clipping is when you send high amounts of DC voltage to the subs and this will burn the voice coils, thus destroying the sub. clipping is hard to hear sometimes cuz with high SPL its hard for the human ear to hear distotion with regards to bass... if you turn your stereo to halfway or so and walk away from the car..say 40 feet you wont have the same spl levels as in the car and you'll be able to hear anything out of order...its what i do anyways damien roberts, i dont believe you...type-r's are not powerful enough to do what you say they are =P and carlos "Also if i put my amp gain by half way i will hear no bass." turning it up more than halfway like i can almost guarentee you did, will destroy your subs at high volumes...and being new subs and not broken in yet, i can also almost guarentee that this is was destroyed your subs you need to be more careful and concious and knowledgable about this stuff before you do stuff like some research for yourself too |
Silver Member Username: DeathshadowPost Number: 302 Registered: Oct-04 | Bacon you can believe what you want but I own them and I see, feel, and hear what they are capable of. Before you go and tell me what they can not do give something to backup this theory of yours. So many factors and variables (Box type and specs, Power, wiring, position, car insulation & damping, car acoustic properties, HU, amp, etc...) go into the SPL/SQ of subs and what they put out; just your assumption of oh they can't is really irrelevant and full of idiocy... Now mind you I am no car audio expert but everything I have experienced was listed above and they "R" capable of it (sorry for that real bad pun its 3 AM heh...). ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Trancein305Hialeaj, Fl Usa Post Number: 20 Registered: Aug-04 | hey its_bacon my amp give out 350 rms watts @ 4ohms to each sub,and the subs take 300 rms. also what do you mean to much dc voltage screws up the speakers, do you mean that i should have a 4 gage wire instead of (8 gage). Also does ((bass boost )) clip the speakers? |
Silver Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 452 Registered: Nov-04 | Hey Carlos, bass boost doesnot clip speakers. It's the amp itself. Depending on the quality of the amp, it might distort or cause clip when it reaches its maximum load. What the bass boost does it help you reach that faster at a lower volume. Remember, your amp might say 300W, but every db you incease in bass boost, you're more than doubling on power consumption. At flat setting, you will reach 300W at the max, but if you boost your gains by 5-12db, you'll reach 300W way before that. Although it may not be a continus wattage, it could be enough to cause clipping and blow out your subs. |
Bronze Member Username: Trancein305Hialeaj, Fl Usa Post Number: 23 Registered: Aug-04 | isaac my three subs got screwd up with bass boost. i will now buy 2 new subs alpine type r's . do you think i should change my 8 gage to 4 gage. also some black dude in the flea Market said i should get crossovers ? what will crossovers do? make it sound louder??? =-) i have my 12''s in the trunk of a 2001 Mustang. have any of you ever experienced clipping and F*cked up your subs? |
Silver Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 457 Registered: Nov-04 | Hey Carlos, if you're amp is below or close to 500W, then your 8 gauge is fine. Before that wire melts, your fuse will blow. Most amps come with some kind of filter/crossover that you can set to tailor your bass sound. I wouldn't sweat over it. Now as for you blowing your subs, bass boost can and will overload the amp if abused. I think you're a good candidate for a better amp. You see, most speakers/subs blow from clipping and distortion from bad amps than from little extra clean power. I've never blown my subs cause I use self control. If there's a need to crank up the volume, I decrease the bass boost accordingly. Just remember when a sub says 300W, it means 300W of clean power, not distortion/clipping. Think of a rope that can hold 100lbs. Now if you attach 100lbs of weight and whip it across the room, it'll apply greater force than 100lbs. You can view clipping and distortion in a similar way. Hope that helped you picture it better. |
Bronze Member Username: Trancein305Hialeaj, Fl Usa Post Number: 24 Registered: Aug-04 | hey isacc thanks. also very good example of the clipping with rope =-) I think i need a new amp althou the 700x rf works fine i think that might be the problem. because i usually max the volume to 70% and when i do so thats when i begin to hear rattle progress.. and then thats sub F*cks up. thanks man for your help. and also its_bacon...=-) |
Bronze Member Username: SolacedagonyNew Jersey US Post Number: 85 Registered: Oct-04 | Carlos, when you get your new subs, you may want to go to a professional shop and have them set it up for you (gain and whatnot) so that you don't throw away another couple hundred $$$$'s. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 2658 Registered: May-04 | You definately need 4 guage wire, especially if it's a pretty long run of wire. Also, make sure your alternator is up to par. Then, you need to lay off the loudness and bass boost and set the gains properly. Honestly, it sounds like you need more subs/power with your goals. You have enough power for those subs, so your best option is to consider running ported boxes for those subs if you can fit them. This will give a lot more bass for the amount of power you have, and will give you a lot more SPL. |
Bronze Member Username: Trancein305Hialeaj, Fl Usa Post Number: 25 Registered: Aug-04 | hehe.. jonathon good idea, But i have a 2001 mustang i barely have space on the trunk and went thru a mission to get the sealed enclosure on the back trunk, but thanks. i really think my problem is my amplifier. althou it works fine. it might be the problem like isaac said. Quote ( "bass boost can and will overload the amp if abused. I think you're a good candidate for a better amp. most speakers/subs blow from clipping and distortion from bad amps " ) i really think its my amplifier. because a prefessional @ senor zstereo here in miami said my connections are fine. Therefore i beleive isaac is right. =-) |
Silver Member Username: DeathshadowPost Number: 305 Registered: Oct-04 | A ported box does make them much louder... |