I think i've decided on getting a pair of Infinity Kappa Perfects 6.1 components for the front of my car. Then I was thinking about getting a pair of Infinity Kappa 572.5CF for some rear fills. First off, does that sound like a good idea? Second off, the Perfects come with crossovers but the Kappa 572.5CF's do not. Should I get a crossover for those too? If so can I just buy any crossover, like could I buy 2 more kappa Perfect crossovers for my rear speakers?
Doug W.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Sorry I'm gonna make a quick correction they both do come with a crossover but would it be better if I got 2 more Kappa Perfect crossovers and used those with my rear fills instead of the ones that the Kappa 572.5CF's come with? Would that even work?
Unregistered guest
Posted on
I'd go front only and drive the heck out of them with a solid amp.
Doug W.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Yeah thats what everyone says, but I am willing to pay the extra money to get a bigger amp and buy the rear fill speakers if it is going to make my system sound better. Is it going to make my system sound better?
Rear speakers, even in mid ranges mess with the imaging of sound. Though, that really depends on how finicky you are. If you like rear sound, and know that you wont even hear the difference between without/with rear speakers, and still want sound from the rear....well, your call. If however you know you'll hear the disturbances(?), then no rears. Also depends on car. If it's a small car (civic or equivalent) you probably wont need rear speakers at all. But to each his own really.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Component fronts, phat quality sub
Drive both with same amp, a 300/4 JL Audio or competitive brand
Rears are wickity wack...there's a reason EVERYBODY SAYS so.
IF YOU INSIST on getting rears, Run a JL 500/1 to the sub and use the 300/4 to power the 4 speakers. Bridge em. This would be tight as hell.
Doug W.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
What about if I bought a second pair of Kappa Perfect 6.1's and put those in the back. How do you think that would sound?
I'll sound better. I installed Infinity 6x9 for the rear and powered it with 4 channel amp. It sounds 2x better than without. At least to me but I'm sure it'll depend on the music and environment.