Does anyone have any experiance with these components/ I'm looking to get a set to go along with my RE x.x.x 12'' sub.
Will this one set be loud enough to give me adequate midrange and highs because my subwoofer is loud. Or do i need to get a set of 8'' midbass drivers installed in the rear deck to sort of ''brigde'' the gap between my bass and midrange/highs.
Component price range- under 350 bucks..... Thanks Guys.
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Are you going to amp them? If so... It depends on how youre going to cross your sub over... But...Kodas have great midbass, and if youve got them properly powered, that will sound great. Id say...cross the sub at 60-70Hz on a low pass. the comps at the opposite.
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ok thanks for the reply bro, and yes the comp set will have an amplifier.