Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 54 Registered: Sep-04 | Im going to be running 2 ...i had the kicker vr comp 15'S.. im lookin for sumtin louder with more spl? i have the rf1001 bd amp please help me.. its gunna be a wall |
Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 58 Registered: Sep-04 | ? |
Bronze Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 60 Registered: Nov-04 | weren't you getting brahmas? |
Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 59 Registered: Sep-04 | dont have the money at the moment hunter. Im just gunna run a wall of 2 15"s using my rf1001bd amp.. just cant find a sub better then my kicker vr comp 15"S 500w rms.... i want more spl then they can provide.. if not then im just goin with them again.. and like no one can help me : ( |
Bronze Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 67 Registered: Nov-04 | you could try the tempest(adire audio) they are the bigger shiva. they are like 150 bucks |
Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 60 Registered: Sep-04 | thats like a home theature ever hear of ? im just not sure.. im leaning toward the vrcomp just cause i kno what its capable of.. ugh |
Bronze Member Username: HdubbFarmington, Nm Usa Post Number: 75 Registered: Nov-04 | actually the temp is for cars (look under car audio) ive actually heard those are not bad drivers, never heard them but hear they are good. does that make sense? they have a cool site, making them the best sub ever! next to pyramid lol. they did have a cool site though |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1080 Registered: Dec-03 | tempest and 16kv.2 by elemental designs would be very competitive choices... i would probably go with the elemental designs over the tempests |
Help2 Unregistered guest | good call bacon. Does your name come from that beggin' strips commercial? ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1083 Registered: Dec-03 | howd u know? haha i love that commercial amuses me... |
Help2 Unregistered guest | ITS BAAAACON!!! lol How could I forget? |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1085 Registered: Dec-03 | thats meeeee! *points to self with huge grin* |
Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 61 Registered: Sep-04 | what elemental design sub?? link please |
Help2 Unregistered guest | |
Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 62 Registered: Sep-04 | i kno that.. but what sub? theres all these ones |
Help2 Unregistered guest | the 16kv2 dual 2 ohm...135 bucks a piece shipped. (3 year warranty included) wire a pair of those up in series/parallel for a 2 ohm load, and youll be set. You have any detailed questions, or want a box designed... click on the Live support link if theyre online. Those guys have the best customer service of any car audio company...ever... |
Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 63 Registered: Sep-04 | hmm are you fimiliar with this sub. In its 3d drawing it looks pretty sick.. what im tryen to acheive here is .. i blew my kickers so now im tryen to step up. So think these 2 16vk's in a ported box .. gunna be a wall.. will be louder then if i used the kicker vr comps 15"s |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1091 Registered: Dec-03 | oh definately.. i have two 11kv.2's in a nice big ported box tuned to 28 hz and they are quite a bit louder than my friends shivas in sealed box and my other buddies 12" infinitys also in sealed i only have 250w on each one and they can definately handle twice that i can vouch for the kv.2 subs from experience and they are most definately worth the money and qwuite a bit more too =P and Help2 is right, they have some of the best customer service and even have designs for ported boxes and sealed boxes on their site |
Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 64 Registered: Sep-04 | sweet... it says 650 each but 500rms continous.. since im putting the 2 in a ported box i think i'll be fine.. compare it to the cvr 15" kicker for me.. like what u think |
Gold Member Username: Its_bacon12Hfl, Ny Usa Post Number: 1097 Registered: Dec-03 | i would say the order of worst to best goes as follows CVR < Tempest < 16kv.2 out of the 3, the kv.2 has the most surface area and tied for the highest excursion...which translates to the loudest sub of the 3 also maintains awesome sound quality so no worries about that |
Bronze Member Username: Crazy3rdgenLong Neck, Delaware U.s Post Number: 66 Registered: Sep-04 | What do you think i could hit with 2 16kv.2 15"s in a ported box box say 4-5 cf with trhe rf1001bd |