Not sure if they're too bad, know they're not good. If they are anything like their subs, then stop wasting your time on them. Their subs are absolutely friend got them and they sounded like someone's hammering nails down.
Isaac's the man. I'm all about testing out Audiobahn stuff! AW1006T's pound, A2300HCT drives them well. I'm gonna get the A6004T for my friend to drive the entire system, so I'll let everyone know on that as well. I'm looking forward to what you have to say on that amp, Isaac...they're pretty much the same amp, new intake series.
Oh don't you worry, I'll let everyone know, including the Audiobahn haters I always do extensive research on the model before I buy it. So far it could be another one of those amps that's underrated and under priced. For $139 I can't complain. It's even cheaper than my MTX amp, and this one comes with x-over/filter/remote bass port.
yes I am running 2 12 Volfenhags right now and they rock just need to know of a good amp thats not a soul grabber(lol) to buy cant afford a lot! I have a 400 watt 4 channel dhd amp which I love3 but just not the power I need for my subs any suggestions?
Hey Bud, the cheapest power amp you will find is MTX 6500D. They usually go for $75 - $125 on eBay. It is rated 500W rms @2ohms, and 775W rms @14.4v. Can't get an amp that powerful at that cheap price. Sure Pyramid is around that price, but you know they never deliver as promised.
I've tried like everyone else Pyramid, Boss, Sony, and few other no name brands. They're all the same, tons of promises and 1/4 to 1/2 delivery. Boss was disappointing. On their packaging it said 250W rms, it's more like 70W rms. I don't know how they can lie like that. If I had the time and money, I would've sent back the item back to Boss for refund.
this is what you get when you buy $20 subs and $40 amplifiers. There is no magical way to get a killer system without spending some money for decent equipment. When will people realize this?
Volfenfag isn't any better than boss, pyramid, rockwood, or any of the rest. They're all low end, cheap chrome plated crap meant to appeal to the jobless and the unemployed (read highschool students) who can't afford anything better. You'll get sound.. (until the product fails in 6 months) but it's not going to be mindlbowingly good sound by any means.
I'm sorry if I sound like a jerk on this topic, but I just get tired of seeing this same thread pop up over and over again and people ask but never listen. They buy crap anyway then come back afterward with the "you were right" posts. There is some truth to the old addage, "You get what you pay for."
Hey glasswolf, all opinions are welcomed here. I just stated my experience above to tell people that, yes pyramid/boss and few others do really suck and lie about their power ratings.
just on a side note about BOSS Audio, their PD3000 and PD4000 amplifiers seem to get good words from their owners, and apparently put out some decent power. Not one of their cheaper amplifiers, but if you raelly want to go with that brand, those are one of the only amps I'd consider.. Cheaper amplifiers, relatively speaking, but if you're really strapped for money and need considerable power, the pd4000 may be a solution. Especially if it's a temporary fix till the money is a little more plentiful.
Glass is right about the lower end products. If it is a money situation try to save alittle longer and dont get discouraged if you can't have your system right away. I would say invest in good equipment one piece at a time. Like your Deck and work your way back. Piece by Piece you will notice a difference.