Ok my amps manual says that if my rms wattage is over 300 watts total, then i need to run the ground cable to the battery instead of the metal chassis. Should i do this or should i just put it to the metal chassis. Also glasswolf you say that your gain should never be over half, well this amps gain is 12 volt all the way to the left and .5 volt to the right. My cd player has 1.8 volt inputs. So if im not wrong i will have to have the gain knob past half way to get it to 1.8 volts. I read the page about gain and it says to match it with the cd players input volts. I will be using a digital multi meter to set my gain so should i just set it to 2.0 volts or 1.8 volts or what. i want to get the most out of my subs.
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YOu don't have to run the ground wire to the battery...just use a nice guage wire and make sure it's less than 2ft. long and mount it to the chassis (bare metal). If your gain knob is 0.5 one direction and 12 the other how did you figure that 1.8 was past the halfway point? Halfway would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 6...you wouldn't have to turn it much to get 1.8 volts
Anybody else know. What im saying about the gain is that to the left is 12v and to the right is .5v. In this middle is about 6v. the gain know whould have to be at about 3 or 4 oclock to get 1.8v.
1) You don't have to run your ground to the battery...do as kklagge said.
2) If you know how to use a meter to set your gain, then you should match the output of your cd player. I'm pretty sure by matching the output you are preventing premature clipping at higher volume. If I remember correclty.
Hey Arrin, you can set the gain to 2v or 1.8v. It won't make that much of a difference. I'd pick 2v, since nothing is 100% perfect. Depending on the amp, sometimes you can even set it to 1v and still function. I do that with my Jensen sub amp. have it set to 1v, HU is 4V. It pounds with no distortion. People say Jensen sucks, well I do agree, but not the model I have. It really delivers as stated and more. I bet it's one of the best amp for the money. Very cheap, almost as cheap as Pyrimad.
When I set my gains I just turned the deck up about 75% and brought the gain up until it started to distort and then backed off a little. This is what MTX suggested.