hey i am wiring my system right now and i need to know how to get the battery wire into the engen bay.do i need to take apart the dash and does any1 have good instructions...or do i haft to drill a hole....
Some cars will have a pre-drilled hole in the firewall and some don't. Look carefully around the wall on the engine compartment side for a rubber plug covering it. If you can not find one you will have to drill a hole. Be VERY careful while going through the firewall; take your time and make sure you are not going to hit anything critical on the inside or on the other side of it. A firewall is 2 layers of sheet metal (you will need to drill through both) one on the inside of the car and one in the engine compartment. Sandwiched in between this sheet metal there is usually some foam like material. Use a very small drill bit first when you have found your spot and drill through to make sure its all clear. It helps to have a friend on the engine compartment side to tell you immediately if you are not where you should be while your drilling from the inside of the car. Once you have established where you drilled your pilot hole is ok you then want to go ahead and bore it out with a bigger bit so it accommodates your wire diameter. You're going to want to put a rubber grommet in the hole so the sheet metal doesn't cut away at your wire casing over time. You should find a spot to drill the hole preferably as close to the battery as possible, you save a lot of slack so you have extra distance and play to run your cable.