

New member
Username: Shortygfx

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-04
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out the diagrams and explanations of hooking up a cap. so let me see if i get this right, from the battery (+) to the amp (B+); I just slice that where needed and insert both ends in the (+) side of the capacitor and then the (-) connection of the cap goes to a ground...yes I'm aware of charging the cap.

Bronze Member
Username: Carguy

Post Number: 81
Registered: Nov-04
Hey Dan, this is how you hook up a capacitor. First you charge the cap by hooking up a light bulb in series wiring. That is you hook the neg to neg on cap, one wire of light bulb to pos and the other end to the cap pos. After few seconds, the light will go out. This will tell you that cap is fully charged. If you don't do this, you can damage your cap and cause lots of sparks.
Once that cap is fully charged, connect the batter pos and neg to the cap's pos and neg. Now take the wire from cap into your amp. My cap came with 2 sets of connectors (one from batt, one to the amp).
Hope that helps.

Silver Member
Username: Deathshadow

Post Number: 181
Registered: Oct-04
To charge a Capacitor you hook your ground up to it and use a bulb inline with the power cable and the caps + terminal. To describe this better you touch one side of your "charge bulb" lead to your power cable and the other lead of the bulb to the + terminal of the capacitors + lead. Connecting both +/- terminals of the cap will discharge it. After the cap has been charged you then hook up your positive power cable(s) to the positive capacitor lead. "Charging" a cap slowly is done to avoid arcing of the terminals. Not pre-charging the cap will NOT damage the capacitor itself; the terminal's gold/chrome/etc.. plating may however get poopified.

Silver Member
Username: Deathshadow

Post Number: 182
Registered: Oct-04
Don't Forget to hook that ground up FIRST!!!

New member
Username: Shortygfx


Post Number: 2
Registered: Nov-04
i found out my answer at the local audio shop...anyways thanks for the help
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